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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Technical Difficulties and The Coming Grace Revolution

There won’t be a video today because of a “technical difficulty” on my computer that is keeping me from being able to upload it. It will upload 99% of the file then freeze and won’t finish. I’m out of time as far as trying to get it fixed this morning goes, but will get it back on track again tomorrow.

In the meantime, I’ll take the chance to post this “old fashioned way” again. Actually, I’ve had several people express that, while they love the videos, they would like to see me post articles too. So I think I’ll start doing both. I’ll keep putting up the 101 Lies each day but will along the way intersperse articles and personal updates too. One person said he missed keeping up with me and the daily goings-on in our lives through the blog. So those of you who are newcomers to this blog (and there are many) will have to start putting up with verbiage, pictures and maybe even videos about my grandchildren, accounts of Melanie’s and my leisure activities, and the likes. I apologize in advance, but I did warn people when I started this blog over a year ago that personal stuff would be a part of the mix.

For now, let me take a moment to address something that I’ve noticed often happens when people begin to understand the grace walk. I’ve seen it a lot from many who have corresponded with me about the 101 Lies as they see their perspectives and viewpoints changing.

What I’m referring to are the doubts that people sometimes find arising in their minds about what they are beginning to see. “Is this for real?”one guy asked me. “I don’t want to be misled. I want my beliefs to be in line with God’s Word.”
I get it. I felt the same way when the Holy Spirit began to teach me the things I’m sharing through my blog, books and teachings. Let’s face it – the grace walk so contradicts the way many of us grew up believing was the right approach to the Christian life. It may even contradict what we’ve believed up until this moment.

So, when the Holy Spirit “starts messing with” our belief system, it’s a little scary. After all, we’ve lived in the security of our beliefs for a long time and to have somebody come along putting forth views that contradict what we have believed is unsettling. We don’t want to be led astray and besides that, grace is downright scary after living in legalism for a lot of years. It’s scary for one reason: it leaves us totally out of control. We can no longer be in charge of our Christian walk, knowing that when we do this, then that will happen. In other words, we stop being able to control things, including God. And nobody likes that on the front end.
We want a god who reacts to what we do. That way, He’s predictable. And anything you can predict, you can most likely manage.

Questioning the Truth once we begin to see it isn’t unusual. John the Baptist had preached for a long time about the coming of Jesus the Messiah. With a scraggly beard, grasshoppers on his breath, and ragged clothes he screamed with authority, “He’s coming! He’s coming! He’s coming!” Then when Jesus showed up JB pointed and said, “There He is! I told you He was coming! That’s Him! That’s Him! That’s Him!”

A short time later John found himself in prison, alone with his thoughts. When somebody visited him in jail, he asked, “Will you do me a favor? When you see Jesus, will you ask him if he is really the one? Or do we need to keep looking?”
I love the answer Jesus gave. He said, “Go tell John what you’ve seen – how the blind can now see, the deaf can now hear, the crippled can now walk. Tell him how those who were bound up have been set free.” In other words, “the proof is in the pudding.”

If John the Baptist had his doubts after seeing the Truth face to face, don’t be surprised if you have second thoughts about what you might be learning. But take it from somebody who has seen the proof in the pudding. People are being transformed. Blind eyes have seen things they’ve never seen before. Deaf ears are hearing truth from the Holy Spirit that is music to them. Those who have limped along in their Christian life for years are running with joy for the first time. People who have been in bondage to Sunday-after-Sunday dead religion have been set free.
I think a grace revolution is under way. In fact, I’m thinking of writing a book called The Coming Grace Revolution. In this revolution, those of us who are tired of the same-old-same-old we’ve heard declared for gospel truth for years only to now discover it’s a load of flesh are going to boldly take our stand. Mild mannered men with mild mannered approaches never usher in revolutions. The world isn’t changed by a namby-pamby submission to a system that is flat wrong. It’s time for us to stand up together and bring the message of Christ back to the front of the stage. The performance based, we-need-to-rededicate-ourselves-to-try-harder approach has been in the limelight long enough and has proven it doesn’t work. What works is Jesus Christ.

So is the message of the grace walk the truth? Absolutely. I plan to stake my life on it. Want to join the revolution?


  1. Amen and Amen. I am all about a Revolution. The word revival is so overdone and so much more of the same...didn't you write a blog on that one time? That is something that I consider and reflect on from time to time.

    In Webster's Dictionary, Revolution is defined as 1: the action by a heavenly body of going round in orbit 2: Rotation 3: a sudden, radical, or complete change; esp: the overthrow or renunciation of one ruler or government and substitution of another by the governed.

    A REVOLUTION of grace amongst our brother's and sister's in Christ...a generation being born into grace-filled homes...what would that look like? Multitudes of people discovering who they really are as Christ expresses His life through them. Beautiful.

  2. Join it? I'm a regular Grace Groupie. Actually I think I may drive folks crazy with all my "Grace Talk" I don't mean to, but but it's just so freeing once you get it, that ya just want to spread the Word!

  3. "If John the Baptist had his doubts after seeing the Truth face to face, don’t be surprised if you have second thoughts about what you might be learning."

    Thank you for pointing that out, that's an easy one for me to put in my pocket and take out to look at when doubting...
