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Monday, March 03, 2008

101 Lies Taught In Church Every Sunday - Lie #54 God Only Speaks Today Through The Bible


  1. I believe that those that say that God only speaks today through the Bible are arguing from the standpoint of audible only. God will not appear to us today in a burning bush. I'm not aware of any pastor saying that God doesn't use nature to speak for His existence as they will quote Romans chapter 1.

    Many people will claim that God spoke to us during a sermon and that was only an argument made from logic. I used to believe in Lordship salvation and believed many times that God spoke to my heart and today I know that it was not God but mere feelings.

    I can't tell you how many people claim that God spoke to their hearts to come forward in an alter call to get their lives right with Him.

    Again, I believe lie #54 is not really a lie but a misunderstanding of what most pastors mean.

  2. Dave, the point I'm making is that many do say that God speaks only through the Bible. My point is that He speaks in a multitude of ways, through nature, through the arts (movies, music, paintings, etc done by both Christians and non-Christians) and in many other ways.

    I know for a fact that some pastors think the only reliable way to hear God is by reading the Bible. Anything else is suspect to them. That's what this particular blog was intended to counteract.

    Thanks for your comment and for checking out my blog!

  3. Another argument for saying this is a lie, is by noting that if it were true then most Christians throughout the ages, the overwhelming majority of whom were illiterate, would not have heard GOD. They couldn't read and extremely few had access to Bibles. Again, isn't it wonderful that GOD is not bound within the pages of a book! HE is bigger than that and can speak to people in many ways external to them as well as internal (via the Holy Spirit).
