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Friday, September 05, 2008

What Do You See?

I put this online a long time ago, but enough time has passed that I want to use it again. What do you see?

This sketch has been around since the late 1800s. It's a picture of both an old woman and a young woman, depending on your perspective. If you're having a hard time seeing both -- the necklace on the young woman is the old woman's mouth. Beneath the necklace of the young woman is the old woman's chin. The ear of the young woman is the old woman's eye. (If you can't see it from those descriptions, it'll take divine revelation for you to see it :)

The Lord spoke to me through this picture a few years ago when I was struggling with a situation that looked very "ugly" to me. He showed me that it wasn't the picture that needed to change. What needed to change was my perspective. Since that time, the situation that I initially thought was ugly actually turned into something I see now as beautiful. Our Father's plan is often not to change our circumstances, but to change how we see and respond to those circumstances.

Do you see other applications that could be made from this picture?


  1. An old lady or a young girl looking away. Funny!

  2. We used to see ugliness but now we see beauty 'cause we've got Grace eyes: seeing from a heavenly perspective. ;)

  3. A young women in a fur coat and hat,with her head turned to the back and viewer's left...

  4. At first glance I see a young woman dressed in a fur coat and a ridiculous hat. But then I saw an old Jewish lady? haha

  5. You know, even though I've seen this before, and know that there is an old woman and a young woman there, I saw the young woman first and had to really concentrate to 'see' the old woman's face. Which makes the perception illustration even more relevant. Once your mind is wrapped around something it's not always easy to 'change the picture'...

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. An older lady who looks a little sad...I have even seen this before and for the life of me can't see the other image! That is driving me crazy right about now. :)

  8. I see a lady her face turned away wearing a fur collar puffy head scarf with a feather

  9. Anonymous12:17 PM

    I see a young woman and an older woman.

    ~Amy :)

  10. a young woman with a feather in her hair

  11. I see what appears to be be an elegant woman wearing a fur coat.also some sort of hat with a feather out the front

  12. Well Steve, you may not want to post my answer, as I've seen this before, which might ruin your message. I see the old woman and the young woman. Somehow, I prefer seeing the young woman!


  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I see the young lady at first. When reminded I see the old lady.

  15. A young AND an old woman!

  16. Whew!! I guess I got 'special' revelation. I finally saw it after straining my eyes.
