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Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Day In The Life...

I regularly receive many emails from people whose lives are being transformed by God's grace. People often ask me, "Do you get negative mail too?" I do and, though they aren't as many in number as the positive ones, they do come regularly. I decided to post this one just so fellow grace-walkers can see the kind of opposition to God's grace that exists even among other believers. Beneath his note is my response. Some may think it's too harsh, but I typically respond in a similar way as a person writes. If they're gentle, I assume they respond to gentleness. If they are direct, I assume they will only understand a direct answer. I've deleted the name of the sender for obvious reasons.

Subject: "Shame, A Silly Game".

Dear Bro. McVey,

Grace so amazing, Grace so Divine, demands my soul, my life my all. Grace twisted demands to be rebutted. I just finished reading your article entitled "Shame, A Silly Game". How you could twist God's Amazing Grace as you did in this article is also AMAZING.

You stated,Jesus came to free us from the dark legacy of shame and embarrassment left to us by Adam. Thanks to Him, there is no condemnation toward us – none. We may feel shame at times, but it’s only an illusion. “Even if our hearts condemn us, God is greater than our hearts, and He knows everything” (1John 3:20). He knows that we are totally forgiven.

Wonderful truth to this point, but then [you write] --The shame-game is over – finished. It’s a silly game we don’t ever have to play again. Once and for all, we can stop fearing some scary god-of-our-own-making who looks at us with disappointment or irritation. It’s an infantile fantasy. There is no divine boogey-man under the cosmic bed of your existence who is going to come out and get you.

We’re all naked, but that’s okay with God. He loves you just like you are. You don’t have to change. You don’t have to be afraid. You don’t have to hide. And you certainly don’t have to be ashamed. Your Father loves and adores you just the way you are. So come out, come out, wherever you are. Somebody is waiting to give you a Hug. He longs to laugh with you. He wants you to feel His embrace and revel in His acceptance for all eternity. Leave shame alone. We belong in the conscious awareness of our permanent place in our Father’s embrace.

Is this the same message Paul preached when he told of how God judged with immediate physical death the sin of his children Annanais and his wife in Acts 5? The Scripture says that great fear came upon all the church. Was that fear caused just by imagination? Paul said in another place, Them that sin, rebuke before all, that others also may fear. Did Paul not understand grace? He told the Roman believers to fear the authorities, because they bear not the sword in vain.

Thank God, through faith in Christ, I am accepted. However, if I sin as a child of God, I should fear because whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. Shame and fear are without a doubt God caused at times, and rightfully so.

Thank God for His grace, but grace never excuses sin. The law of God and the grace of God both hate sin. The law condemns the sinner. Grace condemed the sinners substitute. Grace cost us nothing but it cost God His Son.

Without both sides of the truth it becomes a lie.

A brother In Christ,

M, my brother,

You have missed the whole point. There is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. We ARE accepted in the Beloved. Shame is not the work of the Holy Spirit. He lovingly convinces (convicts) us of the love of our Father and creates within us a desire to live in a way that honors Him. THAT is our very nature as believers.

Why would you assume that the death of Ananias & Saphira was an expression of God's anger? Why would you not assume that a loving Father chose to spare them and His church from further harm by taking them home immediately? And you need to study the word "fear." Yes, we are to fear the Lord, but surely you as a child of God don't think we are to recoil from Him in horror, do you? Fear, in the biblical sense, is awe - wonder - such respect that it causes a trembling in the presence of His greatness. It doesn't mean that we cower in the presence of a short-tempered god who is ready to zap us if we mess up. If that were the case, both you and I would have been killed by God a long time ago. Or do you disagree?

I never even hinted that "chastening" isn't a part of our Father's ways, but that itself is an expression of love - not the knee-jerk reaction of the short-tempered god you seem to imagine Him as being. I never minimized sin, but truthfully, your viewpoint seems to minimize the value of the finished work of Christ to me. Did Jesus really "pay it all" or not? I believe that He did and that now we can rest in our Father's loving acceptance. THAT becomes the catalyst for transformation in our behavior, not some shaky fear that He is ready to drop the bomb on us because of our behavior.

Thanks for your thoughts. Please accept my plainspoken response to be intended in the same spirit in which you wrote you email. We are simply two brothers who see this in very different ways.

As you believe about me, I see your concept of "grace" as weak, twisted and so far beyond what Scripture teaches that I imagine it would cause the Apostle Paul to shudder in horror.

Steve McVey


  1. God's grace transforms in ways fear of being punished never could. God's grace affects the heart in ways that fear never can. Fear may get the right result, but not with the right attitude and motivation. Jesus was clear in His Sermon on the Mount that God is after heart change that leads to life change. Not just right action which leads to self-righteousness which is like dirty rags to God.

    Keep preaching and teaching God's Word with the revelation of the finished work of Jesus and His gift of grace that you have received from the Holy Spirit. Don't let people without the revelation discourage or belittle your call. Your ministry has affected my life richly. I am way more whole and complete in Christ because of a personal revelation of grace. Thank you.

  2. One aside note that I didn't mention in my response to M - Paul didn't write the story of Acts 5. Luke did. :)

    Thank God, He has not given us a Spirit of fear. We can rest in the arms of our loving Father, even when we have behaved like idiots - something I've proven to be very good at in my my almost five decades of being a Christian.

  3. "So come out, come out, wherever you are."

    I have a fondness for these words.

    I believe God spoke them to me about 3 years ago. I heard someone on a television show say, "Come out, come out, wherever you are". And afterward, I thought it would be strange if the next channel said the same. And it did. It happened 3 times after that. I think he was playing with me, telling me to stop hiding.

    It takes a while to begin to see God for who he really is and not who we think he is. It doesn't take the Holy Spirit to see God's anger. It takes the Holy Spirit to see his love.

    Neo: Why do my eyes hurt?
    Morpheus: You've never used them before.

  4. Soooo, one might say "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love."

    I like JB Phillips paraphrase...
    "Love contains no fear - indeed fully-developed love expels every particle of fear, for fear always contains some of the torture of feeling guilty. This means that the man who lives in fear has not yet had his love perfected."

    1 Jn 4:18

    Live loved . . .

  5. Hi Steve
    Thought I would send this devotion, it is personal but seems to fit.

    Life to Life Devotions

    Kick or Rest?

    How do I write about the love of God when my mind is blocked to receive it all, for I only see dimly! I can only apprehend through my own sin, what I cannot comprehend as His full glory! Let me explain!

    I have come to hear and learn in the last few years that God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit who are immersed and clothed in who they are, not dependent open opinion or forceful demands, but wholly (holy) in nature as one, in other centered love.

    What I just wrote goes against the grain of my own natural thinking, for it is much easier for me, after my labored loving act to put a notch in my belt of works believing the delusion that God has given me a special wink, than to rest in a relationship that loves me more than Himself. Or is it?

    To my dismay all my efforts in trying to please God ultimately failed miserable, because I was masking, trying to put on His face. For many years I asked why I had this fracture even though I was sincere.
    It came gently and without force as His light shone into my illusion of brackish darkness. I had to personally come to a place, and still do in many ways, through suffering in my own sin, to brokenness, a place of the cross. It is in my sin that the love of Father (who reconciled the world in Jesus), Son (who saved the world and did not condemn it) and Spirit (who councils, guides and convicts) reveals that His love is present in me. For how would I know sin except by the revelation of Jesus who became sin for me! Does that mean I should sin more? Of course not! I have to learn to rest, for my own pain is always caused by kicking against this love relationship!

    This is not a cycle of life where I may come to believe to belong. Heavens no! It is about belonging so that in my retched darkness I may come to change my mind and believe and learn to participate from my own aggrandized self overload knowing and experience His life. Listen! I have come to apprehend that circumstances with people, places and things are there to show me that He is the very presence of life in me, not absent, and not from a forceful pressurized action, but from a loving embracing person that only He can comprehend. If this is reality for me, it is for all human life, for God is not a respecter of persons.

    The nice thing about all of this is that we are all on unique journeys and cannot see until we are able to look back for ourselves. I cannot force anyone into my thinking; I can only hold their hand. It is not about me! It is about Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who they are and what they have done for all humanity (all His enemies) so that all may receive the same opportunity.

    So in my ongoing repentance I come to rejoice in His righteous repentance for me on my behalf, in my listless prayer He is cleansing and purifying it as He prays for me, sadly I sin in His overwhelming forgiveness, stumble in faith in His unfailing faithfulness, and learn to live out of the height, breadth, depth and wideness of His personal loving grace. God is love and it is all about Jesus!
    In all this I have barely scratched the surface for in what He has given to me; He has in His incarnation given to all humanity. I cannot comprehend in space/time because that would dismiss all hope. However there will come a time when I will see Him face to face and truly know Him for who He is. Love!

  6. I had an experience many years ago that forever solved the Love vs. fear debate for me. We had 4 daughters. In May of 1977 they all caught chicken pox. Our 3rd daughter was 5 and developed Reyes Syndrome, something we had never heard of then. In 3 days, a lovely, healthy child went to be with Jesus. We were devastated. But we had 3 others and carried on as best we could. Six months later I found one of her little shoes under a dresser and there on my knees sobbed my grief. Laying across my bed, I fell into a black hole of sleep during which I had a vision. I found myself in the cemetery and she came to me there from a beam of bright light. Pointing to her grave, she said "I am not there! I am alive!" And she was radiantly alive. She led me to the light and when I entered it, I found what she wanted me to experience. Just a moment of her Reality. In that Light I experienced the Acceptance of the Love of God. It has been 32 years but I can tell you just one moment in His All Powerful Love has carried me through from then until now. You can believe in the Love of our Father. Believe that He Loved us so much He made a way for us to be with Him forever. Jesus is His Way. Trust in that Love. It is Real. And nothing to fear. Awesome, yes. Fearful, no. There was no reprimand for all I'd done wrong in my life. No "go back now & do better". Just total Love and Acceptance. Joy unspeakable and full of glory.

  7. Andy Brown, I love this..."God's grace transforms in ways fear of being punished never could. God's grace affects the heart in ways that fear never can. Fear may get the right result, but not with the right attitude and motivation. Jesus was clear in His Sermon on the Mount that God is after heart change that leads to life change. Not just right action which leads to self-righteousness which is like dirty rags to God." Been there, lived that!!

    Steve, Keep grace walking. Those of us who have truly experienced God's grace totally understand what you are saying. From experience, I can tell you that when you are still living in legalism, you can not understand grace. You think you have it, but, until you really receive it, you don't know what you are missing. Praying for your ministry!!
