As I was reading the review of one movie I wanted to check out, here was one person's review:
Not so great. Very little action and not much drama either. Great actors, good acting, but too little to work with. No suspense, no drama, no action, tired plot. Somewhat boring.
When I read that review, I thought about something I recently said when my friend, Paul Anderson-Walsh and I were on Premier Radio in England last week. The issue we were discussing is why God allows evil and pain and all the negative things in life that He could prevent if He wanted to do so.
I know I'll evoke the ire of some who consider "free will" to be the greatest thing they imagine God to have ever created, but I'm not comfortable with the free-will-card as the reason bad things exist in this world. I have another opinion on the matter.
I believe that God allows evil because it provides a great backdrop for revealing His love and grace. Have you ever noticed how that when a jeweler shows you a diamond, he lays in on a pitch-black backdrop. The reason for that is to cause the diamond's brilliance to shine all the more.
History truly is His-Story and I think that a film might be a good metaphor for life in this world. It has already been written and is "in the can" as far as the eternal perspective goes. God isn't waiting to see how the ending turns out. He has already written it and, in Reality, it's a done deal.
If we as human beings are like the guy who reviewed the movie I mentioned earlier and we don't like story lines that lack suspense and danger, why would we think that God would create a world like that? It would be boring, to say the least. The suspense and danger of this world only magnifies the wonder and glory of our God. In this story -- His Story -- a Savior wants somebody to save. A Healer wants somebody to heal. A Deliverer wants somebody to deliver. You get the point.
From the human perspective, it could look like it would be the sadistic work of a god who could hardly be considered as loving if this is true. You and I are the ones in distress who need a hero. There is an antagonist who fights against us, but remember, the end of the story has already been written and the Protagonist of History wins.
So, when things go badly for us in life, and they often do - let's remember that we serve a Sovereign God who has already worked it all out for good. You may be on a dark page in the story of your life right now. This planet appears to be playing out a dismal scene right now. Nevertheless, the Author and Finisher of it all is directing the unfolding of this small incident we call "time." When we finally do see it all from the vantage point of eternity, we will give Him a standing ovation for the exciting story He has written. Though it may not always make sense now, we will see the absolute beauty of it then. After all, it is and will forever be His-Story.
ReplyDeleteOnce again you just blow me totally away. I love this. I am going to copy and paste part of this on my Facebook page. You are so wonderful.
ReplyDeleteYou are hitting on some very powerful biblical concepts.
Too often those who are the strongest on the Sovereignty of God are the weakest on Grace and biblical Identity after initial salvation.
And those who bask in the radical Grace of God and our new Identity in Christ after initial salvation are the weakest on the Sovereignty of God.
Understanding and teaching BOTH His absolute Sovereignty and His radical New Covenant Grace (with our new Identity in Christ) should be our great vision.
Well done, Steve.
ReplyDelete"The free-will card"--I loved that!
Many of us are comfortable with OUR having free will, but not with God having free will. His has to be subjected to ours.
What a laugh.
Great post Steve!
ReplyDeleteOn the subject of 'free will' here is a really good book on the subject "The Really Bad Thing about Free Will" http://www.starkehartmann.com/free_enlarged.htm
Though one may not agree with all at this guy's site this book is a brilliant devastating blow to the idea that salvation is up to us. etc...
Well did you see the move "the taking of Pelham"?
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ReplyDeleteIn the backdrop being a velvet black material that can be deceptive as to touch but beautiful to view diamonds, so I see our grace walk with the 'staging' in time of both 'suspense and danger' mixed in with beauty and hardness that only makes the diamond glisten more..The faith walk is a joy-filled journey with adventure and care from the Great Shepherd increasing our estimation of God's Sovereinty and our thrill of excitement to see Him someday.
ReplyDeleteMy pastor always says that " "free will" is not the solution...but the problem."
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of good movies, and speaking of evil, there is anexcellent movie (out now in some theaters)titled 'The Stoning of Soraya M'
Very powerful and beautifully acted.
Hi Steve
ReplyDeleteHumanity thanks you for this blog. John
Diamond against a black backdrop sounds good to me, bit like - where there is much sin, grace abounds even more. Being a self-confessed dramatist who is easily bored, I'm glad my life hasn't been coloured a dull monotonous grey, I like the idea of God unfolding His magnificent story.
ReplyDeleteHe did this by giving the law - not made for man to keep, but to come to an end of himself and realise his need for a saviour! Amazing stories, and amazing Grace!
..what John said... ditto
ReplyDelete~good stuff, Steve (as usual =)
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