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Monday, March 30, 2009

Radical Sonship Conference Was A Success

The Radical Sonship Conference on Friday and Saturday was a great time together with other grace walkers, meeting new friends,reconnecting with old friends and moving forward together in our goal to see the growing grace revolution shatter the misunderstanding many people (both believers and unbelievers) have about who our Father is, what He has done and what it is that He wants from us.

Paul Anderson-Walsh and I sought to share truth that would encourage those attending to move beyond the grace crawler (little child) stage toward maturity as believers who live out of the rights and privileges of adoption as sons of God. While the message of our identity in Christ is new to many, there are also many others who have known the complete gospel for some time and are now hungry to know the deeper aspects of living out this life.

Paul and I will teach this same conference again in London, England on July 3-5. If there's any way you could attend, it would be a great experience for you.

We mentioned to those attending that we may plan to conduct a conference on a cruise ship next year. If we were to take a 4-5 day cruise together, the additional time would allow us to have the chance not only to have teaching, but to get to know each other better. I'll post more news on that topic as we research it and start to form some preliminary plans.

Let me know your thoughts on the conference this past weekend and on the possibility of a cruise next year.

This week, Melanie and I have "gone into hiding" with Paul and Haley and are resting and having fun together. I'm not even answering my phone or emails, which is something Melanie thought was an impossibility for me. She thinks my Blackberry is my "life support system." I always deny it to her, but she's not totally wrong about that! It's my office in my pocket.


  1. I thoroughly enjoyed the conference. Some really "ah" moments for me that I'm pondering in my heart are: spiritual warfare is to prevent Christ being formed in me, God is not separated from anybody anymore, Christ is in me because I'm the hope of glory. Hmmmmm...
    Thanks for giving us such life changing truths. I'm looking forward the the (cruise ?)

  2. I think I would have enjoyed the conference just as much even without the teaching! No offense meant to you at all, I LOVED what was shared by you and Paul, but the fellowship with other believers who have come to an understanding of the grace of God in truth is absolutely refreshing. There was such an excitement there. I've described it on my blog as what Malcolm Smith calls a "heavenly embassy here on earth." A safe haven from legalism. An atmosphere of freedom. It was a truly wonderful experience that I will never forget.

  3. Cram as much fun in as you can Mike. Life's too short for Blackberries or Blueberries or whatever
