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Monday, March 02, 2009

The Most Controversial Subject I've Taught About

What would you guess has sparked the most opposition of anything I've taught in the past years? Think about it before you keep reading. I'll give you a hint. If you've watched my "101 Lies Taught In Church Every Sunday" videos on YouTube, it's one of them.

The topic? Keeping the Sabbath day. On YouTube, Lie #101 was that "Sunday Is The Christian Sabbath." That one brought the house down in anger - at least the Sabbatarian House (those who believe we still must observe Saturday as the Sabbath Day).

I've been amazed how many people have become outraged with me for daring to suggest that Jesus Christ is our Sabbath rest now and that we aren't under a law to observe the seventh day of the week as a Sabbath Day anymore.

The point of the video was to correct the faulty view held by many Christians that Sunday is the new Sabbath Day. The Sabbath Day is the seventh day - Saturday. I didn't imagine what a can of worms that video would open. Some have emailed me, telling me that I'm going to hell. Others have said I'm destroying the church. Others have accused me of denying the Word of God. Wow, all that for saying it's okay to go to the mall on Saturday? :)

What's amazing is that those who so vehemently argue that we must still observe the Sabbath seldom do it themselves. Do they drive? Take more steps than "a Sabbath Day's journey" would allow? Cook? Spend money for anything? Do anything at all that any serious Orthodox Jew would recognize as a violation of the day? Be assured, they all break it no matter how loudly and proudly they tell you otherwise.

And on that note, why are they so big on the Sabbath Day while ignoring or at least minimizing the other Laws? One whole denomination is built around the idea that we should worship on Saturday and many believe if you don't, you've taken the mark of the beast. Why doesn't somebody start a church built on the idea that we shouldn't commit adultery, or steal, or bear false witness, etc? You might can slide on those but, boy-oh-boy, when Saturday rolls around you'd better be in your place.

I don't mean to sound ungracious in this post, but it irks me to see how many people are living in bondage because of this teaching. Besides, grace sometimes takes a harsh approach. If you don't believe it, ask the Apostle Paul. Or better yet - Jesus, who didn't mince words with Pharisees.

The Apostle Paul wrote, "Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day - things which are a mere shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ" Colossians 2:16-17.

There's no doubt about it - a lot of C.R.A.P. (Christian Rules And Procedures) is being taught out there, but this is the one that's in my face today. Hence, this blog :) Maybe I just need a nap....


  1. Steve, I would have guessed your teaching about tithing, but I didn't think about the denom built around observing the "true" sabbath.

    You're correct, though, when you say that they will pick and choose what PART of the rule they will observe - only the parts that are considered "doable".

  2. "There's no work in God's Presence," my Pastor says, "because God rested on the seventh day." I hope he's right because it helps me to know there is grace in relief from much busy-ness and anxiety in God at the 'end of the tunnel,' for me potentially. I have depression sometimes but God is my joy and portion forever, the strength of my heart!
    Heaven must be rest as well as some activity but praise God no tears in heaven. There must be a planet with my name to work on then. Good blog Steve! David Candel

  3. Anonymous7:00 PM

    I am so sorry you experienced such a back-lash from posting that video.

    I whole-heartedly agree with you on this issue, among pretty much everything else you believe and have posted here. Your heart of love and Grace is beautiful, my brother.

    The Sabbath is Old Testament/Covenant. We are living in the New Covenant. Like you stated, Jesus Christ covered and fulfilled that law requirement of the Old Covenant. We no longer need to follow it.

    Is taking a day of rest, or a block of time, or a few hours good for we humans? Absolutely. For the whole intent is to rest and also for some mental and spiritual "space" to re-balance and/or talk with Papa Son Holy Spirit. Yet, we don't need to routinely do this according to some schedule. I think it is wise, helpful and healthy for us to take "rests" when we feel an impression in our hearts (Holy Spirit) that we need one. But I think this occurs naturally and spontaneously, as we go about our daily lives.

    Great post, as always.

    ~Amy :)
    Walking In The Spirit

  4. I don't mean to put you on a pedestal or anything but, you are in good company. The only ones in the bible to get that angry were the
    Scribes and Pharisees, and we know what they did. Keep up the good work. Aren't you glad the stones are just verbal :)

  5. It is amazing how legalists scour the internet for grace teachings they can attack. I don't go around looking for legalist teaching that I can attack, I try to avoid it because it makes me sick. The keeping the sabbath (ie going to church on Saturday OR Sunday) is the easiest of the Spiritual Disciplines for many. Heck in my church, we pick them up and bring 'em. They smile, say they are doing fine, get their spiritual agenda a nice checkmark, the pastor is happy 'cause they're in church, and they think they have done God a favor. Even the most unsuccessful carnal Christian (ie those who try but struggle with prayer, Bible reading etc.) can feel a little success because they make it to church every Sunday. I am getting ready to preach on this one, so your blog got me going! Whew! Can I get a witness?

  6. Steve

    Thanks for overcoming that persecution by the religious folks by the power of His love, just like what Jesus and Paul did

  7. Yes, I can imagine the "can of worms" you opened. My in-laws are a part of that denomination. The funny thing is, that denomination supports abortion for the "right" reasons and their health care systems will perform them.

    They have taken the Sabbath and made that their salvation. It is their god really and they worship it. Like the bronze serpent from the wilderness.

    They still have a veil covering their face. I pray that they will receive the truth and allow that veil to be removed in Christ.


  8. Steve,
    I would've thought the anger was from hearing the story about how you met your wife, and that you exposed that poor woman to the smell of "Jade East" cologne. :)

    Seriously, it is amazing how some are angered when their rules are questioned. It makes me wonder what they think of Galatians 2:21?

    "For if righteousness came through the law, then Christ died for nothing!"

    Love your blogs,

  9. I don't know, maybe you DO just need a nap. :D

    This whole sabbath as a "day of the week" mindset unfortunately goes hand in hand with the false belief that we have yet to cross the Jordan and enter into the Promised Land. Excuse me? The cross was our Jordan expereience and Jesus is our land of "milk & honey". Too many Christians are waiting for physical death or the "rapture" to bring them into an experience of who they are NOW IN CHRIST.

  10. Jesus is the rest and not a day. O what a Day that will be when my Jesus I shall see, When I look upon His face the One who saved me by His grace! He that is entered into His rest has himself rested from his own works as God did from His Hebrews 4:10. Steve you have done well in how you write and teach, truly are gifted by anointing in the Holy Spirit. The website videos are strongly persuasive and convince me of the certainty of scripture & grace-filled.

  11. It's this idea that since, "Not one jot or tittle will pass from the law until all is fulfilled", then it stands to reason that Jesus fulfilled the ceremonial law only, and the moral law remains upon the believer. It makes logical sense, however the Lord doesn't deal in logic, but rather the old and the new.

    I have written recently on a segment of the "law-abiding" believers who argue that there are actually two laws in the Old Testament: the law of Moses, and the Law of God. This way, they can say one passed away, but the other remains.

    Here is the scary part: it only took one verse for the Catholic religion to mushroom into the monstrosity that it is, and it only took one of the Ten Commandments for another denomination to mushroom into this "Seventy-day Sabbath zealousness. A word to all of us: be careful what we latch onto in His word.

  12. Anonymous12:42 AM

    Well, I love the C.R.A.P. acronym and I'm stealing it to put on my FaceBook : D

  13. Anonymous1:06 AM

    Hey Steve,

    This is a subject that i have been struggling with since so many Messianic Jew arguments seem to have good points that we still need to follow the law.

    Not sure if you have read David H. Stern's New Testament Commentary but it is very convincing. At times it has brought me unsure of what to believe. One Pastor even went from having a Pentacostal church then now holds a Messianic congregation because he said God directed & led him to.

    If we believe in Christ & say we hear Him talk to us then why are people off doing & believing things which are so oposite from each other? How can their churches survive & have people attending? I just don't get it sometimes.

    Also, when a Jew recieves Chirst what is he/she meant to do? Give up completely the way they are used to living (following the law)? Totally dropping it? How are Jews meant to live in Grace when they have lived with the law from generation to generation? It is normal for them to live this way because it's all they've ever known.

    I just have so many questions & confusions about this.

  14. Hi Steve
    I understand the attacks that you may be going through. Spend many years as a Sabbath keeper and have relatives who are still immersed and now condemn my walk.
    We can look back to see the darkness we have come from, however when you are absorbed in it you think you see more clearly than others, yet are deceptively blind.
    The law will do that, it is non-relational, and will have you live in your own appearance of self-justified life. It is of course a delusion because it throws away the finished work of Jesus. Used the think that keeping the Sabbath was my key to God winking at me while he would have this cosmic unblinking stare at every one else.
    One final note! When God opened my eyes, and he is the only one who can, and he literally dragged me, I was amazed at how many people keep Sunday in their own head as “The Day”, the way I kept Saturday.
    My journey of self-interpretation has come from my own mind rather then living and resting in the revelator, Jesus. So today I am learning to live loved and come to know Papa, through Jesus by the Spirit. I have great hope for all!!! jg

  15. Steve,

    I'm constantly inspired by your courage. You are a prophetic voice. Stay the course.

    Thanks, brother.

  16. Ha Ha! 'CRAP'? That was a good one!

  17. ...For Who Made the Stars here is a link to a great treatise on this exact issue. It blew my mind.


  18. Great post, Steve.

    Like others, I was very surprised and would have thought it was tithing or perhaps the clergy/laity system. It's amazing what people will get worked up about. That probably took you by surprise but I suppose when there's no relationship with God people will fight to hold onto whatever gives them security. I imagine if they really believed it, they wouldn't care what you said but the fact that they're so upset, in my opinion, indicates that they're not really sure.


  19. Thanks, Steve, for this. I'm wrestling with this topic myself.

    I believe, as you point out, that we are no longer under the law to live the Sabbath as strictly as the Orthodox Jews would have us do. But if we are going to say "that Sabbath commandment in Exodus 20? don't worry about it", what does that do for the other nine? Do we now say it's okay to dishonor our parents, to steal, to commit adultery?

    I guess where I'm leaning is that we don't have to observe a specific DAY as Sabbath within the grace of Christ. But there is this concept of the Sabbath rest that we need to adopt into our lives. I like the idea of Jesus as our Sabbath rest... but what does that look like in practical, physical, rubber-meets-the-road terms? It's easy to put into practice "Don't committ adultery"... just don't do it. But how do I "Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy" in a new covenant where day of the week doesn't matter any more?

    Maybe I am still trying to make too much of a law about it. But I think it's a law of love. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength". "If you love me, you'll obey my commands". I love my God. I love what God did in the incarnation of Jesus. I want to be able to give honor to that and remember that.

    The way I'm leaning is this: if Jesus is our Sabbath rest and we are to "Remember by keeping" or "Remember to keep" (depending upon your translation), then perhaps this is something that should characterize our entire lives, 7 days a week instead of one. Sabbath rest should be part of everything we do. The sermon on the mount in Matthew talks about "Don't worry". Maybe our Sabbath rest should be to stop running the rat race at full speed but settle down and pay attention to what's important. Maybe it's taking time to actually spend with our Saviour, learning what it means to live a transformed life by reading and studying the word.

    I'm curious as to your thoughts.

  20. Mr. Martin,

    A VERY short answer to your question, as far I am concerned, I no longer have to "keep" ANY of the 10 Commandments. I am dead to the Law.

    Also, I was never under them anyway - I am not a Jew and therefore not under the Old Covenant.


  21. The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus is the only law believers are "under".

    Hey, John, NICE link! :D

  22. It is interesting that the High Priest in Lev 16 is the only one who is responsible for doing the "work" to bring about atonement for the entire nation. In fact the people were mandated to do absolutely nothing to be "imputed" with forgiveness for sins. If in fact they did not rest they would be denied forgiveness until the next year. It was his work and their rest that brought about atonement.

    Our rest (Sabbath) in Jesus is the same. It is what He has already done for us, our responsibility is to rest in Him. Sabbath is not about going somewhere "holy", it is about resting in the one who is Holy.

  23. Bob makes a good point about the high priest doing all the work.

    Truly, we need to "strive" to rest; to "agonize" to abide. The grammar I'm using appears to be contradictory, but it is His way to communicate with us His work in us.

    For example, in Phil 2, we are told to "work out our own salvation" but the balance is that "it is He works in you" to bring it about.

    Lord give us revelation to understand your ways.

  24. I think striving to enter that rest is in talking with Jesus and spending time with Him. It is wishing to know His sufferings in fellowship, and the power of His resurrection, dreaming God's dreams and praying God's prayers! Rest for me is in looking at 3 scriptures: "that I may be found in Him, not having a righteousness which is my own but from Him by grace," and 2) "He is able to present you faultless before the Throne on that Day," and 3) "He is going to finish the work in grace He started toward you!" Phillipians 3; Jude 22; Phil. 1:6 Inspiration came from the last stanza of the hymmn, "The Solid Rock"
