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Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Is There Not A Cause?

When David saw his brothers cowering before Goliath, he was troubled that nobody had confronted him and brought an end to his brutal regime. Goliath had caused the people of God to become overwhelmed with a sense of their own inadequacy. He had caused them to forget that the source of their victory was their Heavenly Father. He had caused them to act like scared little girls instead of like the soldiers they were. He had paralyzed them in their progress.

Does Goliath sound familiar? Look again at the things I've described he did to them. Those are the exact things that legalism does to God's people today. Legalistic religion towers over us, causing us to feel inadequate, to focus on our own inabilities instead of on God's ability, forgetting our true identity and bringing us to a standstill in our grace walk.

When David questioned them about the problem, they turned on him as if he were the enemy. "Who do you think you are?" they sneered. The same often happens to grace revolutionaries to stand up today and speak out against the legalism that intimidates God's people.

David wasn't deterred by their criticism though. He asked them, "Is there not a cause?" He knew there was a noble cause that cried for a response. The enemy had to be confronted. The people had to be set free from its tyranny. God would do it if somebody would trust Him, rise up and go forward. So he did, and you know the rest of the story.

You may be criticized at times when you speak out against legalism. Your brothers may accuse you of pride and think you are arrogant to take a position different from theirs. But, remember, there is a cause. Christians are being persecuted by the heavy hand of legalism. We must stand up and come out against it "in the name of the Lord." Our God is on our side. Be bold. Stand strong against the legalistic culture of the modern church. You may be opposed by some, but do it anyway. Is there not a cause?


  1. Hi Steve
    Thanks for your boldness and confidence. Press on!

    I believe that in our post-modern western Christian religion we find ourselves in a stream of theory that has entertained and accepted the thought, purpose and action from man’s reasoning’s over the centuries. We are looking through the eyes that desperately try to shut the door to the fulfillment of God’s covenant which is unilateral in saving grace from God to man and from the man, Jesus, back to God. Stop trying to help Jesus what He has already done and completed and receive Him for who he truly is, the only one who has become wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption for all of us. It does not make any sense to work the work of God when the only one who is able to do this is Jesus. All we are asked is to believe (John 6:28&29). This is where our own reason needs to submit to His faith. We need to learn to rest and come to share or participate in His life and look through His eyes, for in sight through the Spirit we see the Father. jg

  2. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Great illustration of David and Goliath to we Grace Walker's standing up confidently against legalism. Thank you for the great encouragement!

    ~Amy :)

  3. I wish I had your boldness. Anyway, I am very grateful that God has raised up people like you and other grace giants who undeterred face Goliath, and who dilligently restore the beauty of the gospel.

  4. Funny that just this morning I picked up the Grace Walk Conference workbook and fipping through was reminded of what God showed me the weekend we were at the conference, the comparison between a Christian living a legalistic life and a person living in an abusive relationship. And then reading this blog of how Goliath was "abusive" and the effect it had on the children of God confirmed the truth.

    In the circle of abuse there are 3 stages: Planning, Abusing, Honeymoon. I substituted your legalistic stages of Modivation, Condemnation, Rededication and it fit perfectly.

    An abuser brainwashes the victim into believing that this is normal, that this is the life they derserve. To escape an abusive relationship, whether its domestic abuse, substance abuse, etc., the victim must realize that there is a problem with the way things are, that there is another way to experience life that is a better way, the right way, that they can be set free.

    A legalistic life is an abusive life. To break free from it the victim must realize through revelation from God that there is a better way, the right way, the way that God intended, the Grace Life, a life of freedom.
