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Monday, February 16, 2009

How Far Does The Love of Christ Reach?

This picture is definitely a radical expression. I suspect it stirs up an "Amen!" with some and a "Yeah, but..." with others. It makes me both feel uncomfortable and give thanks to God at the same time. What's your take on it?


  1. The first thing this pic tells me is that Christ is not partial. That all are welcome to come to Him and all ground is level at the foot of the cross. I too should never be partial to whom I share the gospel with.

    Then I too am a little uncomfortable at the thought of the King washing my feet, serving me. However, He made Himself weak through being humble and was made strong through the Father. Application for me? I too can allow myself to be weak (humble at the feet of Christ) and others and He will be strong in me.

    Have I got the perception of the picture all wrong or does this seem logical?

  2. Dear Steve
    It reminds me of the gospel of John
    21:20 Then Peter, turning around, saw a disciple following. This was the disciple whom Jesus sincerely loved, the one who had also leaned on Jesus’ breast at the supper and asked, “Lord, who is going to betray You?” 21:21 Peter seeing him, said to Jesus, “Lord, what about this man?”
    The love and works of Jezus is not depended on men.
    greets Carmen

  3. Steve - I think it's a great picture though it can make people uncomfortable. And it is true that Jesus died for ALL. He provided forgiveness for ALL. All means ALL.

    Love and grace,

  4. Hi Steve

    If Jesus does not foot wash all humanity then there is no hope for any of us! The cultural norm should never cement and override the church, body life thinking. It is the life of Father, Son and Holy Spirit (their thought, purpose and action) their very heart that should shatter and annihilate the thinking of the day. God’s very being, nature and essence is love and in this He loves us more than He loves Himself. He washes the feet of sinners, including all of us His enemies, yesterday, today and tomorrow.
    Where are the foot washers in His body, starting with myself, who have grace walked away from controlled culture thinking into the mind of Jesus Christ? It is a reformation of high order isn’t it? It is not nailed on a church door, but the door of this world! For God so loved this world that He gave His only begotten Son. Believe!!! This is what He has done! This is eternal life that they may know the Fathers heart, washing our feet. jg

  5. His love reaches further than I can imagine and I shall be eternally exploring His limitless love.

    The picture pretty well sums up the offense of Grace. Nice pic. :)

  6. Well, it seems like this is controversial but it looks like liberal clap-trap to me. Jesus was exampling his servanthood which demonstrated his 'emptying of his divine prerogatives' in the likeness of sinless, unglorified humanity. It was a symbol to his disciples of God-righteousness over self-righteousness. But Christ is glorified with his full divine prerogatives now, and he's coming back that way, from the Throne of David. So the call goes out 'be reconciled to God who calls you to repentance',on the basis of having died and risen again. With the depths of God's love evident, but not without power and the Spirit's conviction of sin. We know him after the flesh no more.

  7. My perspective is that the picture shows the love of Jesus for all of humanity. It agitates the dark corners of my old fleshly ways of thinking to really believe that Jesus loves all of us - the unrighteous and the self righteous - but that's what the essence of the gospel is. He was accused of being a friend of sinners during His earthly ministry. This picture reminds me that He still is. His love reaches out to us all, inviting us into the intimate circle of love He shares with the Father and Spirit.

  8. I agree Jesus loves all people. But the essence of the gospel is surely 'Because Christ has died and risen again, through faith in gospel-repentance we can partake of his love as sons.' Outside of Christ we are yet heirs of wrath and can't. I guess I just don't see Paul washing all those people's feet- not because he didn't have the mind of his Lord, but because he did and Pentecost had come. To be honest that was my gut reaction.

  9. Steve,
    I forwarded this picture to a number of Christian friends, some who receive the Gracewalk message warmly, but also sent it to a few who openly reject the Gracewalk message. What's interesting is that they ALL liked the photo. I can only guess that means they all believe in salvation by grace, but sanctification by grace is the part that some have a tough time with? Just thought that was interesting . . .


  10. I think is is a great photo. Help me remember to keep my thinking in line with the truth.

  11. I agree with Moorelife that all are welcome at the foot of the cross. Once there they are a new creation.

    But first thing that came to mind is that Jesus did not wash the High Priest feet, but the disciples.


  12. Dee - my opinion is that people aren't welcome at the cross once they become a new creation. Instead, it is because of the cross that we have become a new creation. In other words, sinners are welcome at the cross or none of us would have any hope because it was "while we were still sinners (that) Christ died for us."

    I think Jesus did even better than wash the High Priest's feet. He died for his sin. :)

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I'm not trying to be argumentative with you. This picture does provoke good discussion.

  13. Anonymous7:59 PM

    It reflects total unconditional love...a very powerful picture.

  14. "Christ came not to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a Ransom for many." "This cup," Jesus said, "is the New Covenant in my Blood which is shed for many, for forgiveness of sins." Mt. 26:27,28
    We all realize the love of God is a reality in us from this picture. I have uncomfortable feelings too Steve and being (unassuming also am) thankful at the same time as well. It is the cross that is an offense but where I and everyone else stand ten feet tall. This pic is surely a good 'prod' to "love & good works!" because of the Agapeon of the Savior in diversity and individuality (& impartiality!) It also reminds me that each of us should bring good news announcing peace and wholeness from our Savior's work at the cross from us to persons we will come in contact with today if we honestly be moved in that moving touch! Just a foot washing from our brethren and sisteren like our Savior Jesus (grace in that?!) and we get whole and clean from just being among worldly people. Better to live in the light (in Jesus) and encourage others, a doorkeeper in the house of God, and inquire therein, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness' ease. David Candel

  15. Steve,I think from where I'm at my language was too strong, and I'm sorry, sir. I do think that Jesus pre-cross was taking the posture of a servant in his 'emptying himself even unto death',Phi 2. He was saying by acts such as that foot-washing, 'I must become poor that you might become rich through my poverty(2Cor8v9). What I mean, I guess, is that through his death and resurrection, Jesus became rich once more-he entered into his inheritance as glorified and exalted above the heavens,as Lord of all. And now, he addresses all men-not in the posture of the Suffering Servant, but as a rich Prince and a Saviour (Acts 5v31). It's in that position that all men 'have to do' with Christ exalted to give repentance and forgiveness of sins. And enter into the riches of abundant life as co-heirs with our Forerunner and Prince who reigns in glory.

  16. Phil - no apology necessary. I posted this picture intending to stir up a lively discussion with it ... and succeeded :) I want us all to be challenged to ask ourselves just how far Christ's love goes.

    On another note - like you, I believe that Jesus is the glorified Son of God in heaven today, but I also believe He is still the son of man. In other words, He's still the God-Man. I love the verse that says that when He comes back, people will see the scars He bears. (Zechariah 13:6)

    It is His continuous identification with humanity by being joined to us that gives us our true identity in Him. 1 Timothy 2:5 says, "For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, THE MAN Christ Jesus." I think that point is important.

  17. Yes, I see your point. Thank you, Steve, for that. It reminds me of where it says - in Hebrews? - of how in glory as the God-Man he is fully qualified to sympathize with us in all our weaknesses...if I remember right. And I do believe that he has laid up a reconciliation for the whole world in him. Even though not all will receive it such that it becomes their's by possession.

  18. Jesus teaches us by parables and examples. Here Jesus uses the foot washing as an example. Jesus does not say to do "what" He did but "as" He did.

    Just as Jesus had conveyed the selfless love of God, so we should humble ourselves to one an other in selfless love.

    Jesus was aware and knew that the Father had put all things under His power, literally into His hands, and that He had come from God and was returning to God. His sharing in the divine essence is what led Him to wash the disciples feet.

    We should understand God's glory is revealed in Jesus in this example. This is what God is like, He washes feet, even the feet of those who will betray Him.

    Jesus tells the disciples, if I then, your Lord and Teacher (Master), have washed your feet, you ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you this as an example, so that you should do [in your turn] what I have done to you.

    What Jesus did for His disciples was to show by humble example the selfless love of God. As believers we also are to pass on this teaching, this same revelation both in word and deed the selfless love of God. We are to manifest the love of God that Jesus has revealed by serving one another with no trace or evidence of pride or position.

  19. The Picture points out to me that those World leaders have nothing to
    do with salvation. The One washing their feet is the Salvation and He
    gave them a chance to participate
    with us............
