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Monday, October 27, 2008

Plugging Away On "Walking In The Will of God"

I'm back in Tampa Bay where I'll be working on the will of God manuscript all this week, as well as recording the Grace In The OT teaching, which is already late this month. Melanie is in Atlanta with our family. I tell her that when I'm writing I need to get away from her because she is a distraction to me (in a good way). I hope to get much accomplished while I'm here at home alone.

The conference in Virginia Beach was a very enjoyable time for me. I really enjoyed the people and pastor at Bayside Baptist Church. The group was very responsive to the teaching, which always makes it a joy when you're teaching people the truth of God's grace.

I'll be glad when this Presidential election is over, won't you? I'm so tired of hearing political ads and predictions of gloom from both sides about what's going to happen if the other guy wins. These are indeed perilous times, from the human standpoint, but the truth of the matter is that "there is no authority than that which is ordained by God." (Romans 13:1) So whoever wins, God is still God and He's going to do what He's going to do regardless. I don't mean to sound indifferent about the whole process. Like everybody else, I have my opinions on the matter but I am so thankful that my opinions don't rule the world. My Sovereign God does.

I zoned out in front of the World Series on TV last night. There's an electricity in the air here about the Tampa Rays. I haven't gotten into baseball since we moved to Florida, but how could I not watch the game last night? I would really like to see the Rays win, especially considering their background story. I went to bed last night when the score was still 8-2. Unless they come back strong tonight, I think it's over for them.

Thanks for checking in on my blog today. I hope your day goes great.


  1. Steve,
    I'll be glad when this election is over too . . .
    But for now, while we're on the topic of politics---here's one thing I wrestle with: I don't want nonbelievers to perceive Christians as just people living by certain "values," as we live by the Spirit. However, on the other hand, I am in strong opposition to abortion and gay marriage, and would like to see legislation against those things. So sometimes, I try to speak out against those things, but in a loving way. However, I think to outsiders it's still perceived as me (or us as believers) just promoting certain values. See the dilemma? . . . Any thoughts on this?


  2. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Praying for you, brother, as you continue to write your book. There has been no other teacher that has impacted me in the area of knowing The Lord's will for my life, then yourself. I look forward to the book; and I love you, in Christ. Dave

  3. Thanks, Dave. You are a dear friend and a gift to this ministry.

    Mark - I think the bottom line is that we can't control how others perceive us. What we can control is to speak in love when and as we sense leadership to speak. If we've done that, there's nothing more we can do.

  4. Mark,
    I have had to deal with what you are talking about a lot over the past few weeks. Not only is it election time which stimulates this conversation, but I am also teaching a Parenting and Child Development class in a public high school. It so happens that in the past couple of weeks we have been learning about family planning methods, and abortion is in the curriculum that I must teach. I find myself in a situation where I can't by law share my faith in the classroom, however I also can't compromise my faith either.

    This past Friday I had a couple of students ask if they could share their views on the topic of abortion. Of course, the ones who asked had already let it be known that they were against abortion and it didn't have anything to do with their faith. My fear was that they would share their views in a condemning way which could have a devastating effect.

    So, before giving anyone an opportunity to share their views I talked with the class about separating a person's actions from the person. I shared with them about the importance of being against abortion without being against a person who may have had an abortion or was thinking of having one. I shared a grace message in a public school classroom that was acceptable by law because I didn't label it as God.

    When the students who wanted to finished sharing, one of the other students asked me how I felt about abortion. I was free to share my beliefs because I was simply answering a student's question.

    Today, one of those students brought me a card that she had made over the weekend. From what she wrote in it, I have no doubt that God made Himself known in that classroom on Friday. And another student came to me who has just found out that she is pregnant. She likes what I said Friday so she wants to know if I will help her through her pregnancy.

    Just allow God to be Himself through you and you won't have to worry about perceptions.

