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Saturday, May 17, 2008

Sailing In Agape - Day Three



1. When the wind (Christ within you) stops moving you forward, don't do anything other than patiently wait.

2. As you are sailing (living as a Christian) the goal isn't to reach your destination as quickly as possible. The goal is to enjoy the journey!

3. There is often a temptation to begin to operate under artificial power (the flesh), but we need to resist that temptation.

4. When we operate under artificial power, the ride won't be pleasant because we aren't functioning the way we have been desgined to function.

5. The wind will blow again. Just wait for it.

Note: the content on this blog series is copyrighted, not so that you can't use it, but so that the ideas I post here can't be used in a book without my permission. For several years, I've planned to write a book about sailing as a metaphor for grace. I still plan to do that one day and for that reason want to reserve the rights to the material so that somebody else can't take my ideas and run with them in a book. You can use this for your own personal ministry to others. Just don't write a book about it :)

1 comment:

  1. Dear Steve,

    Monica and I love what you share about sailing and the wind of the Spirit. This morning the Lord spoke to me that the greatest deterrent to walking in the Spirit is "to try to do so." How amply this fits what you say in your blog.

    We thank God for His work in you!

    Hunt & Monica
