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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Sailing In Agape - Day Six

In Fort Lauderdale


1. Sometimes the Lord takes us into the storm in order to teach us.

2. When you are afraid, look at the Captain's (Christ's) face. He stands in the midst of the storms with perfect calmness because He has everything under control.

3. The best thing to do during the storm when you feel like you are about to go under is to let go of the sheet (give up control).

4. It is the nature of a boat to always turn up into the wind. (Weather helm) It is the nature of the Christian to turn to God during the storms of life.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Steve.

    That was very powerful! I can really identify with what u said, as i feel like my life is a storm at the moment, and at times feel like i'm drowning, but what you've said has helped me to see that i've been holding on to the line to tightly and trying to be in control - hence the extreme anxiety at times.

    I can begin to sense peace as i look at the captain - Jesus who is in control! Thank God (him) He is in control - as life is not meant to be carried by me...I've been carrying burdens too long (too many to name here), and through this video God is speaking to me about how He has allowed things to become too much for me (just like in the 'graceland' book) so that i'd rely on him.
    As you said in that book (now Grace Amazing) that the christian life isn't meant to be hard - but impossible for us to live, so that we'd let Jesus live it in us!

    Thanks again!
