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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sailing In Agape - Day Four

Heading North Again


1. Some times the Lord gives us days when the wind is at our back. We're sailing along smoothly through life with few demands on us.

2. There are times when our course in life is smooth, but we may be vulnerable to an accidental jibe. (When the wind shifts and the boom on the mainsail suddenly swings across the boat, doing damage to the boat or anybody in the way.) When life is going well, we need to be careful to still watch the wind (depend on Christ) and not become careless as we move along.

3. Days of smooth sailing are a gift from Him. Thank Him for them and enjoy them.

Note: the content on this blog series is copyrighted, not so that you can't use it, but so that the ideas I post here can't be used in a book without my permission. For several years, I've planned to write a book about sailing as a metaphor for grace. I still plan to do that one day and for that reason want to reserve the rights to the material so that somebody else can't take my ideas and run with them in a book. You can use this for your own personal ministry to others. Just don't write a book about it :)

1 comment:

  1. Steve,
    You look very young and hip in those sunglasses. For a moment, I thought I was watching MTV . . . Well, I guess I was----McVey TV . . . Thanks. Nice message.

