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Friday, November 14, 2008

Help Me Name A Book

As you may know, my goal has been to take the "101 Lies Taught in Church Every Sunday" videos, expand them a little and turn it into a book. As things are developing, it has become apparent that I won't be able to use all 101 lies in one book. To do that would cause the book to be about 400 pages long, which is too long. So I'm going to start with 50 and then, if that book does well, I'll do the other 50 in a separate book.

I've talked with several people both inside and outside the publishing industry who believe that to use the use the word "lies" in the title is going to unnecessarily alienate some people. I chose that title on the videos to attract interest to them on YouTube, but have come to agree that using that title for the book may not be the best idea.

So, this is where I'm asking for your creative help. What title do you think would be a good one? One title that has been suggested in Challenging 50 Things You've Been Taught In Church. I'm okay with that, but not wild about it. Get your creative juices going and let me know your thoughts on a good title. If I use your title, I'll give you 10 free copies of the book, with an inscription from me to whoever you want to give them to.

Your thoughts?

Here's the promo for Walking In The Will of God, on Harvest House Publisher's web site. I'm amazed that the book is even already listed on for pre-order. Nobody can say my publisher isn't proactive about getting the book out there asap!


  1. How about

    "Undermining Grace: 50 "little white lies" that we all know and love."

    or "that color our perception of Dad."

    or something like that.

    Came over from Joel B's website

  2. Of course, you wanted to avoid using the word lies.

    So maybe I would change it to Undermining Grace: Dismantling Cherished Myths from the Pulpit.

  3. Wow! Tyler Dawn had my thought!

    "Twisted Truths: Unraveling Churchianity's Most Popular Myths"

    "Religion's" could replace Churchianity.

    This is my first one...I'm still thinking. ;)

  4. Hey, this is fun.

    How about “Self-Referential Incoherence”, saw this on a blog some time ago OR “Pseudo-Reality”

    You could also write the word “LIES” on a piece of paper, hold it in the mirror and use the symbols that reflect as the title. Off course everything is backwards. When we see the illusion of symbols on the book cover and then hold the book in the mirror we come to see that maybe our life is mirrored in lies. jg

  5. 'bout...

    "Bad Fruit: When Religion Perpetuates The Deception"

  6. I like the Undermining Grace theme that Tyler Dawn suggested...

    My 2 cents- What about the word "Discrepancies" in the title...or "Challenging the Laws We Give Ourselves" or "Controversies and Misrepresentations: How God Really Feels About Us" or "Problems with the Law" or "50 Contradictions Taught at Sunday School"..."God is Infallible: Not Man"

  7. "Truth Revealed"

    You can have a smaller tagline too to go into more detail like "Unveiling the Church" or something like that.

    You could have a courtroom scene with a Pastor/Church and judge or an image of a mirror/reflection.

    Just some thoughts.

  8. Steve,
    You're probably familiar with comedian Jeff Foxworthy's routine, "You might be a
    redneck . . . "

    Along those lines, how about a title like, "You Might Be A Legalist, If . . .(You Believe These 50 Myths)."

    No? How about, "50 Things You Always Heard In Church, But Were Afraid To Question".

    Well, if I don't win, I'll still buy the book . . .

    Mark Vilen

  9. They are coming in like crazy. First thought that came to my mind:

    That Ain't in the Bible!
    Unbiblical Ideas Often Taught in Church


  10. Freedom in The Truth of Jesus:
    Deliverance from 101 Lies and More

    There are many more lies we have deliverance from in our Christ - your book could be the beginning of several others along this line (hope, hope). A title along these lines would highlight the real subject of your super series here, Jesus as the Truth who is Himself our Freedom. Blessings and thanks for all the strenthening encouragement you give, Steve. Lynn

  11. "Strange Fruit A Bitter Crop"
    50 Things your Taught In Church

    crying hearts ministry had a good one for the texas edition and I say that because I am in Texas.I even liked those with the big words I didn't understand them but I liked it .

  12. "Strange Fruit A Bitter Crop "
    50 Things Your Taught In Church

  13. Here's another one (basic but catchy):

    "50 Falsehoods That Could Keep You In Bondage: With 50 Truths To Help Set You Free."

  14. I don't like numbers in book title...

    I suggest: "Grace exposed: The truth shall set you FREE!"

    Kevin, Singapore

  15. I don't like numbers in book title...

    I suggest: "Grace exposed: The truth shall set you FREE!"

    Kevin, Singapore

  16. 1. 50 Fiery Darts from Pulpits
    2. 50 Errors You want to Avoid
    3. 50 addtional terms and condtions to get to Christ.
    4. 50 Truths about the Ministry of Life
    5. 50 Backbites on Grace.
    6. You have been robbed 50 times!
    7. 50 Frauds unveiled.
    8. 50 Decisions to a free life.
    9. Decide for yourself.
    10. 50 statements legalist would never preach to you.
    11. 50 Secrets to a set free life.
    12. 50 Secrets for the world.
    13. 50 Legalistic Weapons used against people.
    14. You meant, this is the truth?
    15. Overlook 50 truths and get whopped!

  17. TWISTED SCRIPTURES...uncovering the real truth

  18. maybe something like:

    Let my people go!: 50 signs of religious slavery in the church


    Beware the Leaven of the Pharisees: 50 signs of a gospel that is really no gospel at all.

    or maybe
    Is your gospel REALLY "good news"?: (same subtitle as former suggestion)

  19. Strange Fruit A Bitter Crop
    50 Things Taught in Church

  20. Okay, here's another:

    "Pastors: Sometimes They Don't Tell The Truth Any More Than Policiticans."

    Just kidding. I couldn't resist some election year humor . . .

    Here's a real suggestion:

    (Steve, I'm stealing this from one of your messages):

    "Just Because You've Heard Something In Church A Hundred Times Doesn't Mean It's True!"

  21. I think it had a great title to begin with, so maybe......
    find another publisher ???

  22. I kinda agree with Leonard... :)


    The Lies That Bind: Perjury From The Pulpit

    And for fun:

    Why Are The Preacher's Pant's On Fire? ;)

  23. Ryan, I've got good news and bad news ... the good news is that your last one is my favorite so far. The bad news is that I can't use it :)

  24. 50 Fib's you heard sunday mourning

  25. If you been told your a sinner
    Here are 50 more untrue statements.

  26. What version of the bible does that come from? 50 things that aren't true.

  27. The 101 Lies blog was my introduction to the gracewalk and it so I am eagerly awaiting the book (or 2). Thank you.

    My submission is:

    How to overcome the legalism taught in church."

    Are you sure you can't use the pants on fire? That is the best.

    Thank you for letting us participate.
    Steve K.

  28. Well, dang.

    It was our favorite, too. :)

  29. Unraveling Teaching Finding the Truth

  30. Still thinking...

    Enslaved: When Religion Replaces Grace


    Shackled: When Law Replaces Liberty

  31. "50 Ways To Leave Your Lover" by Steve McVey & Paul Simon.......... :)

  32. I do really like "Lies" in the title. That is forceful and provocative. However, if your publisher wants it toned are some ideas:

    "50 Deceptions Heard In Churches Today"

    "Church Says vs. Bible Says: Who's right?" (subtitled: 50 Things Most Churches Believe That Are not in the Bible)

    "Searching for THE Truth?" -- what the church says vs. what the Bible says

    What does the Bible really say about...? (subtitled: What you hear in church may be totally wrong!)

    50 Truths You Rarely Hear In Church
    (make it a positive, not a negative)

  33. I haven't talked to my publisher about this book yet, only to people I know in the publishing industry. I may end up self publishing it, but even then I do tend to trust the judgment of those who sell books for a living.

  34. There's a little out fit called Wind Blown, betcha they'd like to take a peek... sounds right up there alley...



  35. Leonard, will you pray with me that Grace Walk Resources can become a "little outfit" like Windblown? :)

  36. Just between us:

    > I do tend to trust the judgment of those who sell books for a living.

    We just BUY books. What do we know???

    I don't always trust people who sell God for a living...sometimes their pants catch on fire!!Ahahahaha! :)

  37. You about made me just about fall off my chair, I love a good belly laugh...

    I want to and don't think I'm outa line for thinking that Grace Resources can and has touched the walks of just as many, just maybe fewer at a time.

    Hugs, Bro.

  38. Anonymous4:51 AM

    How about something simple like,

    "But that's what i learned in church!: 50 misunderstandings uncovered by grace!"

  39. Hi,
    What about (The Truth About 50 Things Taught In Church)?
    Liz Matte

  40. I really like your original title but maybe: 50 Truth's that will set your church free.

  41. Shedding light on Grace.( with a picture of sunlight "'chasing away darkness"' from a pew.
    perhaps a sentence underneath... saying:Common misinterpretations from the pulpit that may be A)undermining your walk with God.
    B)stunting your maturity in Christ.
    C) robbing you of peace that Christ wanted you to live in.

    I like C. I also like "chasing away darkness."
    I want those books-sent to 1900 Tupper#3, MTL.,Qc.,CAN, H3H-1N5

  42. Actually send half the books to Tyler Dawn ;)

  43. Ok… hold on. In this day and age you need some mystery in the title ie … Blue Like Jazz, Velvet Elvis, the Shack…. So……..

    Snake Eyes , Misplaced perceptions from the mind of the originator….

    Bottom Feeders, The depths of deception.

    Purloined Perceptions, the games devils play

    The Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth, Would I lie to you?

    From Pulpit to Pew, What’s that smell?

  44. Funny ones, Mike :)

    Some of the ones you all have suggested are great, but they'd kill my ministry if I use them :)

  45. Hi Steve, how about using "whoppers" instead of "lies".. 50 Church Whoppers (you thought were true) or (that just arent true). Whopper just seems a little more fun...

  46. What is the reasoning behind shying away from the word lies?! They are NOT truths therefore they are lies. You are shining the light of Gods truth and exposing the lies.
    I like the following title because it's a little bit in your face and will catch the eye of the unconvinced.If it causes some church lifers folk to fear then they have to go to God with the fear. He didn't plant that spirit in them.
    "50 Big Fat Lies from the Pulpit"
    and the second book
    "50 More Big Fat Lies from the Pulpit"
    God IS your hearts intention with this book. He knows who needs to get this message and how to get it to them.
    He got it to me while you were brainstorming about what to rename the word lie.

  47. Attn; Blessed,

    Your singing my tune...


  48. Okay, you guys are causing me to rethink using the Lies title. How many of you believe I should go with it? Again, I emphasize that it's not my publisher who has nixed the "Lies" title. It has been others who work in the publishing industry who have caused me to doubt the wisdom of using it.

    Be assured that my publisher sees what he does as a ministry as much as I see my work as ministry. He's a "grace guy." They are, however, conscious of what sells and what doesn't sell. It does little good to write a book rich in truth if people won't buy it because of the title. Maybe the title would provoke some to buy who otherwise wouldn't. You guys now have me at a place where my decision is a "definitely maybe..." :)

    Anyway, how many of you think I should press for the Lies title? Some of the few strong opinions have made me waver on this. What do the others of you think?

  49. Well, first off, I am not sure why half the books should be sent to me. Not sure if I should be flattered or concerned.

    However, when I was very first out of church, the word lies would have appealed to me, I was angry and frustrated.

    However, now that I have come more to peace with all of this I am les combative. I would look at the people you would most like to reach with this message. How would they respond? Would the word Lie be a stumbling block or be an encouragement?

    In any event, that should be something discussed between you and God, if this is a book He does desire, then He will tell you.

  50. I'd be happy if He tells me. I've learned through the years, though, that He sometimes does that through other Christians. The old "wisdom in a multitude of counselors" principle :)

  51. Tyler Dawn,

    "In any event, that should be something discussed between you and God, if this is a book He does desire, then He will tell you."

    Your whistling my tune...


  52. Okay, Leonard and me understand. Surely you aren't saying that you think there's something wrong with asking input from a group of people who I believe have the same heart as me to share this message, are you? I'm assuming you both know that I do pray about things and that if the Lord tells me directly, I'll hear Him? In the meantime, are you saying that you think to ask an opinion from like-minded people is wrong? Just trying to understand where you're coming from....

  53. Hi Steve, The Master has spoken to me through you on more than one occasion...

    Of course I'm not saying that it's wrong to solicit advise from fellow brothers and sisters...

    How long we been doing business now,,,, Sheesh..

    Kidding aside the truth as far as I can see it is, a Rose is a Rose and a Lie is a Lie.
    That's just my take friend and brother of mine.
    All Grace on you and all your house.

    You are covered no matter your decision, as a matter of fact I think I learned that one from you.

  54. BTW, I have carefully read these comments up to my 1st comment so If you go with original title, bring my books to the Ohio blogger union this summer I'll take one and will pass out the rest to my friends. See RJW for details or your friend Joel over at Grace roots.

    Best always

  55. ps. I meant, we will pass the rest out to my friends.... sorry I don't tipe to gord sormtimes...

  56. Anonymous1:05 AM

    "50 Truths To Set You Free"

    (positive spin, no anti-anything)


    "50 Truths To REALLY Set You Free"

  57. Anonymous1:09 AM

    I like the original title with Lies better myself: it drew me in right away. Provoking is what the church needs. You could do both and see which reaches people most. :)

  58. Steve, I wasn't trying to be critical -- just encouraging you because I know that, in the end, He will tell you what word to use. Yes, He can use other people, but in the end it cannot come from a convincing argument but from the peace He gives over what He has chosen. That's all. My only purpose was to tell you that I trust you to hear what God is saying to you and I trust Him to tell you in His timing.

  59. Leonard, sorry if I sounded defensive. I was sincerely puzzled in thinking your point was that I shouldn't do anything but pray about it.

    Your point is well taken. I shouldn't answers comments at night. By then my mental circuitry has definitely slowed down :)

  60. Tyler, note my previous response to Leonard. My comprehension must not have been hitting on all eight cylinders at the moment. Thanks.

  61. Steve Jesus was radical and He called like it is and I think you should do the same I understand the concerns yet the Grace Revoulution is spreading and is alive . I remember comments like "brood of vipers" and "stand behind me satan" I think pastors will buy it regardless for various reasons . Cover there hinnes,critize you and some other reason .It is what it is ! sorry for misspelled words.

  62. we are not playing games. Sometimes you got to punch them right in the nose to save them from drowning or wait to they start to go under. Lies are Lies and you have been taught them sunday mourning ! come on Steve serve it like it is you are a man who stands by what he beleives.You stood by The Shack .

  63. Beau,I think you know me well enough to know I'm not afraid. The point is that if people won't buy a book because of it's title, what good is done for them? In other words, "punch them in the nose" and they won't listen to you :)

    I've always said God sells my books, but at the same time think it is wise to consider the best way to present the material.

  64. Steve, this really hits a cord with me. My husband was a Pastor for 16 yrs. and we left the ministry totally broken. I rejoice that through our brokeness God revealed Grace, PTL. Church is the hardest place to find grace, we feel like misfits now but God knows where we belong. "Lies" are harsh but it's certainly the truth! Only the hungery and sick will reach out for the answer, no matter what you name the book. God Bless!

  65. your right Steve it was early in the mourning and I had a little to much coffee . I shouldn't be posting comments or sending e-mails when I had that much coffee.

  66. Very interesting chain going here! Something that comes to mind that we have to remember. Those who are spreading these lies believe they are true. They are not evil men trying to decieve us on purpose. Perhaps the perpetrator of these lies should be included in the title. Something like this:
    You Can Do Something to Be More Like God... and 49 other lies the Devil has told the church.

  67. Steve,

    The word "lie" means to make a statement that one knows is false with the intent to decieve.
    I don't think this is the intent of todays churches.
    I think the word "error" is more approiate which means believing what is untrue, incorrect, or wrong.

  68. Well, we love the original title and were gleefully anticipating giving them out to our friends and family who still believe those lies. We vote keep it the same as the video series title.

    Plus, keeping the original title gets you out of having to choose between all the marvelous suggestions... ;)

  69. First Thought on title of book:

    Church Distorted: Confusing Messages About The Truth of The Gospel.

    Thanks for taking my input.

  70. How about one with a double entendre...

    So Long Wrong!

  71. Or a variation:

    The Church Distorted: The Perversion of the Truth of the Gospel.

  72. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Hi Steve, how about this one:

    "50 Really Good Errors I Learned at Church"

    People have a hard time discerning lies from the truth when the lies sound "good" - they elicit the response "What's wrong with that?!?" You could substitute Lies for Errors if you like.

  73. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Hi Steve, how about this one:

    "50 Really Good Errors I Learned at Church"

    People have a hard time discerning lies from the truth when the lies sound "good" - they elicit the response "What's wrong with that?!?" You could substitute Lies for Errors if you like.

  74. Truth or Error? 50 things you learned in church.

  75. Truth or Error? 50 things you learned on Sunday.

    I changed my previous submission, because I so hate calling a "building" a church.

  76. can you use the word "brain-washed" in the title? i read a book once about some lies people believed as Christians and the title was something like "False Assumptions" but i guess you couldn't copy that word (false assumptions) could you?
    Can't wait for your book to come out. Or maybe you can make a DVD?

  77. Agnes, I plan to do both the book and the DVDs. I hope you enjoy the youtube videos. Since I posted this note originally, I've settled on the title, "52 Lies Taught In Church Every Sunday." 101 are too many for one book. Maybe I'll do a second book if this one goes well.
