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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Freedom To Live Boldly

Imagine for a moment that you had never done anything to feel guilty about. Wouldn’t that be fantastic? What if any and every wrong thing you’ve ever done had never happened? Would that empower you to live more boldly and confidently that God’s plan is to bless you in all you do? Could you move forward in pursuing God’s will with boldness then?

Grace brings news to you that seems almost too good to be true. It’s this – your sins have been removed as if they never happened. They are gone and forgotten by God. When God looks at you, He sees you as if you have never sinned. Does that seem too good to be true? “How could that be?” you might ask.

The answer is that it is possible because of what Jesus did when He came the first time. He dealt a deathblow to sin that didn’t simply defeat it; the blow against sin through the cross annihilated sin in your life. There is not even a trace of it left now.

Many of the prophets in the Old Testament predicted that a Messiah would come who would deal with sin, once and for all. Daniel spoke about Him and said that Christ would “make an end of sin” (Daniel 9:24). If you look that phrase up online in a Hebrew lexicon (that tells the meaning of the original words), you will discover that it means “to destroy or finish.” Jesus didn’t just come to forgive your sins. He came to obliterate them.

When He showed up at the Jordon River, John the Baptist said about Jesus, “Look! It’s the Lamb of God who has come to take away the sins of the world!” (See John 1:29) What did John say Jesus came to do? Forgive your sins? No, He does that, but it’s even better than that. He came to take them away completely.

When Jesus cried from the cross, “It is finished!” that’s exactly what He meant. Your sins were forever thrown away (see Hebrews 9:24) behind the back of God (see Isaiah 38:17), wiped out (see Isaiah 44:22), forgotten (see Jeremiah 31:34) and will never be mentioned again (see Hebrews 9:28)!

There is absolutely nothing now that would stand in the way to keep God from leading you into the realization of the wonderful plan that He has for your life. . Read the verses I’ve mentioned in the paragraph above and ask yourself, “Are they true?” Did Christ really put away our sins by the sacrifice of Himself as Hebrews 9:24 says? If He came to take away our sins, did He succeed or did He fail? Which was it? If He succeeded and our sins are really gone, then why are we holding on to a guilty conscience?

It is important for you to fully believe the truth that God has no grudge against you about your past that would keep Him from blessing you. Your past is forgiven. You are totally bless-able because your life is Christ, the One about whom the Father said, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased!”


  1. I want to share this with my Catholic friend who can't quite believe all sins----past,present and future have been forgiven.

    Thanks, Steve.

  2. YES!!!! To live boldly as no one could before the cross. "The Land of the Free and the Brave" isn't America; it's Christ. :)

  3. Defiled Food is already translated and published, and now it seems to me I have to make another translation. And I am looking forward to the task, because this truth is imperative to be taught so that Christians all over the globe can enter the life promised them by God. Thank you for your generosity and wisdom that we all benefit from!

  4. Ole, thank you for translating the blog articles into Norwegian and posting them on your site. Will you email me directly so that I can communicate with you about a few thoughts I have? Thanks.

  5. Thank for your kind answer and the interest you take in my little project. My e-mail address is:

    I am looking forward to hearing from you.

  6. In our family devotions last night we discussed this same thing. Our daughter made the comment that she was "scared of messing up again." I assured her that she would mess up again as would I and everyone else, but because of the truth of grace she doesn't have to be scared.

    I shared with her the example you used Steve, of sin being a cancer, an illness in us. I reminded her of Lacrae's song on his "Rebel" CD, (he has 3 excelent songs on this CD entitled I'm a Saint, Indwelling Sin, and Identity.) He refers to sin in the Christian as being a sickness.

    I asked her, "What do you do when you start sniffling and sneezing, realizing that you are coming down with a cold?" You take medicine to try to "nip it in the bud" as Barney would say.

    It's the same with sin. God has given us the permanent cure for sin as you shared with us here in this blog. And God tells us what to do so that we don't have to suffer because of sin. James 5:16 says, "Confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed..."

    Eddie commented that guilt often keeps us from confessing our sins to each other. We reminded ourselves of how God's grace dealt with our sins, and that if Christ is living His life through us, we will deal with the each other's sins in the same way...gracefully.

    As we respond to each other in this way, then we will know that we have no reason to feel guilty about sharing sins in our life with each other, just as we have no reason to feel guilty with God about our sins.

    Then we will experience the freedom to do as James 5:16 says. Without fear and shame, we can share with each other when we struggle, pray for each other, and then experience the healing that we have already received through Christ.

    We prayed that God would continue to grow us in His truth of grace so that we could be a graceful family.


  7. Thank you for speaking the truth...

  8. Thanks, Bino, and all of you who encourage me about my blogs.
