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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

101 Lies Taught In Church Every Sunday - Lie #21 We Need To Continually Ask God To Forgive Our Sins


  1. Steve, I have been thoroughly enjoying the lies series, thank you, thank you!!!!
    This particular lie was one I wrestled with and wrote about on my own blog, but you really added so much more helpful Scriptural back up for it....I can't wait for the book!!!!

  2. I believe the line of reasoning you employed using Col. 3:1 on I JOhn 1:9 that we're already forgiven and it's our nature to admit our sins; my question is in Jesus' model of prayer for us that we ask for forgiveness of our sins. Can you clarify on that?

  3. Joey, it's hard to give a complete answer to your question in such a small space, but the short answer is this: Jesus lived under the Old Covenant and his teaching reflected that. He didn't come to speak a message, but came to BE the message (expression) of God's love and grace toward us. Upon His death, the New Covenant became effectual. Now we are totally forgiven for ALL our sins. Many verses teach that. There are many things he said that we know obviously aren't intended for us today - such as "pluck out your eye if you lust" or "cut off your hand if you covet." The same is true with the statement you've asked about. We need to respect His words enough to put them in context. I'm frustrated because this isn't a thorough answer for you, but again space is limited here. I encourage you to get my book A Divine Invitation and read the chapter "Forgiven and Forgotten."
