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Thursday, October 25, 2007

A Free Day On Okinawa

Thursday night

Today was a free day, the only one I will have during my time in Japan. It was an unexpected pleasure. Kenji & Mariko (my translator/host and his wife) and I toured the island today with three of the pastors here. They went to great lengths to ensure that we had a good time and we certainly did.

We went to the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium, the largest in the world. (They say that it will soon lose that title when a larger one being built in the middle east opens.) The aquarium is part of the Ocean Expo Memorial Park located in Motobu, Okinawa. The main tank holds 1,981,290 gallons of water. It is incredible. Words can't describe it. I've posted the video below to give an idea of the size of the aquarium and the gargantum sized fish, stingrays, etc. that are in it. Look at the size of what's in the aquarium compared to the people standing in front of it. (I apologize if it seems I'm showing you my "vacation pictures" but I've always said this blog includes personal things:)

I took these pictures today too:

The day off was great. Tomorrow (Friday) starts the conference weekend. I will speak approximately 15 hours between Friday and Sunday. Thanks for remembering me in prayer.

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to thank you for being obedient and writing this book. I was a way that God reached out to me through a wonderful friend. I fell to my face and cried out to God in desperation for the joy of serving him again and as soon as I uttered the words that I forgive myself because I knew he had already forgiven me . He lifted my burden and gave me such joy and peace instantly. The amazing thing is that I felt overwhelmed with a love that I had not felt for over 2yrs. THe paragraph that really got to me in your book is on page 145 "As I have come to know Him more intimately I have discovered what He wants me to do without the struggles that once characterized my performance-based lifestyle. God's will is not primarily a path, but a Person named Jesus Christ. As we abide in Him, it is impossible to miss the will of God, because His very life is being expressed through us at every moment." This is profound and God is telling me to rest in his arms and he will always be there to help me . I will remain intimate with Him because I desire Him more and more with each passing moment. No I do not have set devotional time . I just talk or sing or dance for him all day long. A copy of this book and my bible will be with me always . Thank you so much for the "Grace Walk"
