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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I'm A Recovering Poisonous Preacher

One day when Elisha instructed one of the sons of the prophets to prepare a meal, he went out into the field and gathered wild gourds from a wild vine and cooked it in the stew. The prophets poured the stew out for all the people to eat when someone discovered, “There is death in the pot!” God’s prophets were serving poison and eating out of the same pot. (See 2 Kings 4:38-41)

That’s what I did for many years. I took the liberating gospel of God’s grace and mixed the wild gourds of religious performance in the same pot with it. The gourds came from a wild vine out in the field. Grace doesn’t grow in a wild field. It is cultivated only in the garden of grace planted and nurtured by God Himself. The idea of religious performance is a wild plant which poisons the grace of God and causes it to cease to be edible, although I did eat and serve it to my church for many years. The tragedy of this kind of poison is that it won’t kill you, but will be just toxic enough to keep you sick for the rest of your life.

The underlying foundation of all religion is performance, whether it’s a tribal dance around a campfire to satisfy the fire god or a dead religious activity performed week after week by an evangelical Christian with the intent of impressing his God. It’s all religious performance and God isn’t impressed by our performance. What impresses Him is faith. “Without faith it is impossible to please Him” (Hebrews 11:6). He couldn’t care less about religious ritual void of life. God is in the business of Life. Nothing else interests Him. He is interested in living relationships, not dead religion.

The announcement of the gospel of grace includes the good news that God wants to deliver us from religion. He has extended His grace for the purpose of rescuing us from a lifestyle of futile, feeble efforts to make ourselves acceptable to Him. The essence of religion is man’s attempt to somehow convince himself that he has jumped through enough hoops for God to give him the approving nod. It’s the way we try to validate our own self worth through asinine acts of self righteousness which in reality, separate us from the very goal we seek to achieve. It is poison because it kills any opportunity one will ever have to experience genuine intimacy with God. Religion is a prostitute having fifty dollar sex with a man and telling him it’s love when all the while, deep in his heart, the man knows better. Religion offers false hope that somehow there is something we can do to impress God enough to cause Him to accept us on the basis of our actions. Religion is what rushes in to fill the vacuum created by the absence of personal intimacy with God.

Do my words sound too strong? If so I would encourage you to go back and read Paul’s treatment of legalism in the book of Galatians. My words pale in comparison to his tirade against those who preached circumcision. I deliberately use hard language here because religion is robbing people of Life! Keep in mind that it was religious people who hated Jesus the most. Our identity isn’t in religion, but in our relationship to Him.

I doled out a lot of poisonous preaching for many years, but I was eating out of the same pot. Thankfully, I was healed and now want nothing more than to see others experience the same healing.


  1. Wow! I absolutely love it, Steve. I was a poisonous preacher myself ... This post spoke to my heart. Thanks!


  2. Hi Steve

    Boldness and confidence is the Christian life! It is good to know the Jesus is the “Vicarious” “Author and finisher of our faith. He did and He does! John

  3. Dear Steve, I read a blog from a grace preacher...not you (smile) But any way he was saying that if you have trouble believing in your heart the goodness of God that maybe u are not saved. Prior to that he was talking about is pretty much what you and the other grace preachers talk about the finished work of the cross and how our sins are totally taken away, done well as sin is defined under the old covenant falling short of the law and under the new covenant sin is defined as unbelief in the goodness of God. I understand what he is saying and know that to be true, but he said there will be alot of people in hell whos sins are forgiven but they had the sin of unbelief and then he went into the unforgiveable sin. And he said if u struggle to believe in your heart the goodness of God maybe you are not saved . Well, at first, I was floored because I had always struggled with believing that God could love me, years of quilt and condemnation although I truly believed I was born again. But what I think is, a born again believer is still saved even if they do struggle with unbelief in the love of God for them and His goodness, but they may not be walking in the abundant life Jesus promises and experiencing the fullness of His love and grace. Am I correct Steve? Just need some reassurance and understanding if I am wrong.

  4. Anonymous11:10 AM

    I don't think you're "recovering"..I believe you're "redeemed" ! : )

  5. Amen, point well taken, Tina! :)

  6. Diana- my view is that MANY sincere Christians struggle with accepting the reality of the Father's lavishing love for us. I know because I was one of them and I was a Christian, even in my doubts :) There are many reasons why believers aren't confident in the 100% unconditional, irrevocable love of God but that doesn't mean they aren't Christians. It just means they need to "grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ."

  7. Death to religion that is man's attempt to get to God.
    I like to think from my manly relationship with God that selflessness springs from self-forgetfulness, in fortitude of character and/or action we emulate from Him. Joy from forgetting cares that choke God's blessing us is precious. This is what I mean by self-forgetfulness. Besides humility, servanthood, and lifestyle, leadership is taking the step to make bread of relationship not religious thought, nor political end.
    When we "take no thought" for our life Jesus gives rest. God loves us as a mighty warrior in our midst, our rescuer, the One Who rests us in His love. Zeph. 3:17. Excellent blog Steve. It takes guts to use the strong language which you did.
