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Thursday, March 26, 2009

How To Honor The Lord

The LORD's delight is in those who honor him, those who put their hope in his unfailing love. Psalm 147:11

For many years, I taught people that the way to honor the Lord was to do what He said - to obey Him. Obedience - that was the most important thing in the Christian life, as I saw it. But the problem was that, no matter how hard I tried and how sincere I was, I couldn't seem to be consistent in that area.

This verse from Psalms shows that the Lord is honored when we put our hope in His unfailing love. It isn't our obedience, our faith, or even our level of love for Him that honors Him most. It is by learning to rest in His unconditional, unfailing and unchanging love that He is most honored.

As we learn to accept His acceptance, the calm that comes over us is amazing. No more do we have to struggle to stay on God's good side. No longer do we condemn ourselves because we think we aren't doing enough to keep Him in a good mood toward us. We come to learn that our Father's love has nothing to do with how good we are, but has everything to do with how good He is.

Then, lo and behold, the realization of His unfailing love begins to transform us. We find ourselves being motivated to live a godly lifestyle because we want to behave, not because we think it's the right thing to do. We become increasingly free to relax and just be ourselves, knowing that He loves us no matter what. The love of God for us will mature us, motivate us and minister to us every day. Life increasingly becomes more and more about Him and not about us.

Do you want to honor the Lord? Then stop focusing on yourself and instead learn to rest in His unfailing love. He is delighted when you do that!

(Thanks to Ana Vincent, of Grace Walk Canada, for sharing this verse with me this week!)


  1. Steve, I need to ask that you please stop reading my mind and posting my thoughts on your blog. :-)

  2. Powerful truth Steve- I have never been so free as when I quit striving against sin, and rested in Jesus.

  3. Anonymous6:47 PM


    My name is Jordan. If you ask people (believers) why God would put a tree in a beautiful garden only not to be touched you will often hear... "God didn't want robots. He wanted people to love HIM using their free will." Now you say God wants us to put our hope in His unfailing love. I wish I could agree with you. But I almost always feel as if GOD lacks some sort of emotional need. I cant love God. I CANT. Im insecure, fearful, and selfish. But i picture Jesus as this puppy dogged face individual that says in a small voice "Why don't you love me?" I feel condemnation for not loving Jesus and have even told Him things you wouldnt tell your worst enemy. Jesus has made my life miserable for bnot obeying HIM.

  4. this is so true and exactly what I've been discovering as well. Thank you so much for your clarity of expression and your encouragement

  5. Steve - so true, but you know, my concept of God interferes with my ability to grow in Grace. And this is a classic's so hard to rest in His acceptance.

  6. vagabondsoul -If you'll email your address to me and remind me about this blog and my response, I'll send you a copy of my book, A Divine Invitation, as a gift. I think it will encourage and help you in this area.

  7. It's not how much I can love God but how much He accepts me and loves me. How best can I become a reflection of the God who embraces me; I who can never repay fully or even come close to His Providential care for me. Such love demands my soul's attention. Soul, wake up and smell the roses. God is King, Master, Creator, and Healing..

  8. Anonymous8:31 AM

    A beautiful that overwhelms me knowing I am NEVER alone and NEVER unloved. And when I totally accept God's uncondition, I am changed forever and able to pass it forward to others.

  9. Jordy - same offer as I made to the other person. Email me with your address and I'll send you a book I wrote that I think will help you a lot. No charge. You, my friend, have been abused by religious teachings that have left you with a distorted view of the nature and personality of our Father. Don't resign yourself to despair, Jordy. There is hope and there are sound answers that will help you - I promise.
