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Sunday, April 15, 2007

Condemning Preaching And The Power Of The Law

The video below may offend you. It is a Twisted Sister video. I don't listen to or like this kind of thing. In the first place, I'm too old for it now and, in the second, I didn't like this kind of "music" even when I was young. I was a Herman's Hermits guy, remember? So why would I put something like this on my blog? This is one of those "shake 'em up to wake 'em up' things I do now and then. I think it's along the same line as when Paul told those who were promoting circumcision at Galatia to "go the whole way and emasculate themselves" (Galatians 5:12). Sometimes you just have to be harsh, even at the risk of provoking the ire of the hyper-religious. There is no place for gentleness with cancer.

So I'm posting this blog to take a jab at the legalistic, heavy-handed, condemning preaching that happens in so many churches. I think this is a fairly good depiction of what this type preaching creates in the hearts and lives of those who suffer its abuse. You have "the legalistic preacher" at the beginning of the video and the results of legalism among those in "the congregation" as the video progresses. On one hand, I think it's funny. On the other, it's sad because it is too close to real church life in some places.

Okay, those whose religious sensitivities are sharply honed have been warned. For the rest of you, see if you don't agree that this is a fairly close metaphor showing what happens when people are subjected to constant attacks by preachers who get excited by condemning and judging instead of sharing the good news of the gospel.

What do you think?

Twisted Sister - were not gonna take it

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Thanks to Joel Brueseke for first pointing out the similarities mentioned here in his blog.


  1. I totally agree with you, Steve. I, myself from time to time like to challenge people. =)

  2. Steve -

    I'm so glad I found your blog. I read Grace Walk years ago and it continues to transform me.

    I grew up an 80s kid and now see this video in a whole new light. It is a fairly good depiction. For years my husband and I attended a church where every Sunday we were down at the altar confessing our sins and feeling beat down. But it didn't change our lives. I'm so glad to have discovered true freedom in Christ. Thanks for sharing!



  3. Good post Steve....The legalism in this video is typical of the kind of legalism many churches inflict.

    Just a side note : I am a big fan of what is commonly called 'heavy metal', but this TS song is a simplistic cliche of that form.

    There are many christian artists who have great creativity and majesty, and energy in their music and are world leaders in this kind of music. This includes: Deliverance, Rob Rock, Tourniquet, Narnia, Divinefire, Majestic Vanguard, Living Sacrifice, Believer, and many others including Theocracy.
    Here is some great lyrics from Theocracy:

    "And in my weakness is your strength realised
    Comsume me in the fire of your glory once again and help me rise

    Rise,taking flight
    To the zenith of life
    Rise to the top of the mountain with you
    The world disappears into the valley below me
    As I'm lost in the glory of you "

    All their lyrics are full of praise to Christ and this song can be heard at
    It was written by the singer about his wife - who came to know the grace of God whilst climbing Mt Kilamonjaro !

    Finally, that's fine that we as christians can have very different artistic tastes, but please be open to God moving in a scene that is generally written off - the metal music scene.

    PS - i love all the grace books after first getting Gracewalk and Gracerules in 1998....and still very much enjoy them....Thanks Steve!

  4. You know the funny thing Pastor McVey? I grew up in a legal environement and this song was on our lips at the time but I still bought into the law instead of just grace alone and I joined the Marines and I remember it only got worse. Wow so many memories. Brother I appreciate your ministry so much and the ministry of Terry Rayburn. Bless you guys, the Lord has used you all to unlock the fears that were holding me in bondage from true freedom in Christ and resting in grace alone. I will continue to pray for the ministry of Gracewalk radio.

  5. What a fantastic example!! I've seen that video, being a teen during the 80's and I've never seen it in such a powerful way! Talk about summing it up. Thank you so much for sharing.
