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Wednesday, January 03, 2007

An Encouraging Book

During the Christmas season, a friend gave me this book on heaven. With my Dad's death at the end of November fresh on my mind, the book came to me at a very helpful time.

The strength of the book is that Alcorn doesn't offer empty speculation about what he thinks heaven is like, but instead offers strong biblical evidence for his opinions. You may not agree with his interpretation of each verse he quotes and might think that some of his ideas about heaven are a little far-fetched and require a lot of imagination, but the book will definitely cause you to better see heaven as the "City of God" where we will laugh with those we love, enjoy recreation, entertainment, the arts, culture, work, and, of course, worship.

If you have thought of heaven as an eternal church service, (that sounds to me more like the other place), this book will encourage you. Like many otherwise good books and authors, Alcorn is weak when he writes about the righteousness of believers, but with a little "internal editing," I believe you'll really enjoy this book. I give it "four out of five stars."

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for this book recommendation. I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your father. I too, lost my mother June of last year so I can certainly relate to it being something very fresh and near your heart. I pray for you the sweet comfort of the Holy Spirit and the peace of God that passes all understanding.

    Sheryl Quinn
