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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

What I've Been Reading Lately

Paul Gray sent me a copy of his book, The Fish Net Experience, the story of Ronnie Self, a jazz musician who experiences success but is plagued by doubts and internal accusations. Self lands a job at the Grace Hotel where he meets a mentor who teaches him the true meaning of living by faith in the grace of God.

The book is part fiction and part autobiographical. The author's own life story is an unusual but exciting story of how our Father works to lovingly bring us to Himself. Gray's own history flows from a night-club owner to his role today as a local pastor. He founded and led jazz group, The Gaslight Gang and performed on national TV, radio and toured the United States. 

While playing five nights a week for three years at the Vista Hotel in downtown Kansas City, Gray came to realize that his business and musical pursuits had left him spiritually empty. He started getting to know Jesus Christ simply by reading a Bible and asking God to speak to him. The rest is His-Story.

The Fish Net Experience and its story of Ronnie Self's journey to the Grace Hotel and to the grace of God will encourage you about your own life and about the lives of others whose lives you want to see transformed by His grace. I'm very happy to recommend it and know you will be encouraged by reading it, as I was.

Randall Arthur sent me a copy of his newest book, Forgotten Road. I first was introduced to his books years ago when I read, Wisdom Hunter, a great novel that addresses the issue of legalistic Fundamentalism.

Forgotten Road is the story of Cole Michaels, a Nashville recording artist who gains "the American Dream" only to experience catastrophe and abandon his faith. After his son is killed in an accident and his wife commits suicide, Cole begins to drink excessively. He then makes the mistake of driving his car, leading to the death of a young mother and her daughter.

While serving in prison, Cole meets Chaplain Duke Parker and, through his ministry, finds his faith restored. When he is released from prison, he chooses to forsake the pathway of fame despite a multimillion dollar hit song. Instead, he takes to the road on his motorcycle with a group of friends, generously meeting needs and blessing others from the income his hit album produces. 

There are twists in the book that will draw the reader forward in eager anticipation. The story is a strong voice reminding us that our lives are grounded in Christ and challenging us to avoid the trap of materialism that is so prevalent in our culture. I recommend this book with enthusiasm.

Right now I'm reading, Who Switched Off My Brain by Dr. Caroline Leaf. I've just begun the book and so far, so good. The book addresses the importance of taking charge of our thoughts and ridding ourselves of toxic thinking.

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