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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Making Our Days Count

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12
There is a benefit to understanding that your days are numbered. None of us are going to live forever in this world. Knowing that we have a finite number of days here can motivate us to make the time we have left really count for eternity. For an eye-opening moment, you can check out one of numerous web sites online that will project your date of death based on answers you give about your present lifestyle choices. It is a stark forecast to see your death-date predicted by a computer. Of course, we all know that nobody can be precise in predicting when any of us will die, but I think a powerful point is made, nonetheless.

There is a definite day and hour when you will leave this earth-life and the opportunities of this world will be gone. We need to redeem the time because time is a finite commodity and is limited in duration. On His last night, Jesus prayed to His Father, "I glorified you on the earth, having accomplished the work which you have given me to do" (John 17:4). Nobody ever lived out a God-designed plan with effectiveness that equals the life of Jesus Christ. He repeatedly said that the only way He did it was by depending on God the Father to express His life through the Son. Every aspect of His actions was an expression of the Father’s life within Him.

It is important each and every day to consider the things the Father has for you to do. The grace walk is grounded in being, not doing, but that doesn't mean there is no “doing.” When we understand that we live in union with Deity, we want to do things that honor Him in this life! It’s not a legalistic list of things we have to accomplish but a desire to live our lives to the fullest that motivates us.

You are destined for more than to loiter around on planet earth for seventy or eighty years, then go to heaven. This world isn’t a waiting room. It is the stage upon which we participate in the Expression of Divine Life in this world in a way that is nothing short of supernatural. Your life is a unique expression of His infinite life and love. Your life is a part of eternity’s divine drama. It is the love story of Jesus Christ and you. Let others cower in the wings if that’s what they choose, but don’t choose that for yourself. At a deep level, you sense that you are meant to fulfill a wonderful part He has written for you. His grace empowers you to assume your role with confidence and live out your scene in a way that will send ripples across the kingdom of God. You can make every day count because He has already accomplished in eternity the good things you will experience with your allotted days here.

Isaiah said, “Lord, You will establish peace for us, since you have also performed for us all our works” (Isaiah 26:12). Can you see that it’s a done deal? All you need to do is trust Him to cause you to walk out in time what has already been done in eternity. The Apostle Paul zeros in on this aspect of the Christian’s life mission in Ephesians 2:10. I love the way the verse is translated in the New Living Translation. “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.”

If you want to wisely make your days count, you may find that as Jesus lives His life through you, you will love people more. You will find yourself showing greater love to your family, to your friends, even to strangers. Jesus in you may even find people who aren't "all that lovable" on the surface and show love to them. Jesus was often criticized for loving the wrong people. Has that ever happened to you?

Don’t be surprised if it does when His love captivates you. When grace fills your heart, you may discover it oozing out as love on the most unlikely people. Human love is highly discriminating but agape is the unconditional love that flows right from the heart of God. As His love overflows in your life, others will find themselves being the recipients of love that makes no sense in human terms but that love becomes a means of healing to them just because they have encountered you. You can leave every person you engage today in a better condition than before they encountered you just because the love of Jesus will flow out of you to them.

Making your days count means voluntarily giving up control over our lives into the hands of our Loving Father. We all act like control-freaks unless we surrender everything into God’s hands. There is such a relief in giving over the control of our lives into the hands of God. You and I aren’t suited for being in control. God, on the other hand, is perfectly suited for it. We cause ourselves needless turmoil when we get the two roles confused. Give yourself and everything associated with your life to the One who loves you and knows what is best for you. You are only a steward of all that you have – your resources, your time, your health, your abilities – all of it has been entrusted to you to manage by your Father.

Claim no ownership over anything but surrender everything to Him. Having disavowed ownership of anything in life and acknowledging that everything is His, you will find yourself experiencing freedom from the need to control. You will act responsibly but leave the results in your lifestyle to God. You will live each day wisely and productively because the outcome of everything you do will ultimately be His responsibility.

 Whatever your age is, be mindful of the fact that your days are numbered. As you submit yourself to Him and realize that life is about experiencing and expressing agape; about yielding control of everything to Him and simply living in and from Love, you will gain the wisdom that only comes from God and you will make every day count to the fullest.


  1. This encourages me greatly, Steve. Sometimes I get caught up worrying about how much time I have left - thanks for putting it into perspective for us all.

  2. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Could you help me understand how this all works, if Christ/God lives his life through us, what is the whole purpose for our lives? If God gets the credit for all the good we might do and we get the credit for the bad, it makes no since to me.It makes more since that we grow by the actions we do in our lives but it makes no since when it is God living through us, what do we get out of it all, I know eternal life but why bother, If it is all about God, then where do we come in? I still can't really explain my question very good, but I hope you get the jest of it.
    thank you

  3. Jesus gives and makes you into a gracious Person who has enhancements due to His hand His Touch! Brighter reds and deeper blues and moe majestic purples! But to get God's glory we have to humble us under His hand, not for Him to consume us but give us greater love and discerning of His Presence not a diminishing in any way of blessedness but light to light the way! When you suffer for the right cause you may have a blessing of glorifying Him and the special joy of His mark or seal of ownership! Romans 1:16;8:16,17;26-28. It feels like love is growing but it's you shining! I've been born again for fifty years and never regretted it. Check out the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and drink in the Savior's love and reach for you!,

  4. Steve, thank you. I get so much out of your writings!
    Patricia, I know your comment was addressed to Steve, but if you don't mind, I would like to give my 2 cents. I think we were created not to live independently, but to live in an interdependent relationship with our Father. The tasks that Father asks you to join Him in may look very different than the tasks He asks me to join Him in because He created us very differently. I don't see that it's really about anyone getting credit, but about God inviting us to participate with Him as He heals and restores what has been broken. I find so much fulfillment and joy in those things, as if this is what I was created for.

  5. Dear Patricia, perhaps when God's Nature and Character become a part greatly of us we know nothing can or will happen to us God Himself doesn't have Control over and isn't this a lesson worth all the world? Job when we consider him did not charge God foolishly but sat and worshipped God blessing His Name, "shall we accept good from God and not adversity also?". Good Blog. Dave

  6. Dear Patricia, I would say you have those words reversed for we are on planet to glorify God not ourselves and we deserve less than we think in fact Hell but God in mercy let's have grace! Good blog Steve! Dave Candel
