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Monday, October 05, 2009

When God Rolls By

My youngest son, David, lived in New York City at the time the Twin Towers were attacked. From his apartment in Jersey City, he could see the skyline of New York. On September 11, he watched the Towers fall from outside his apartment.

David had moved there to pursue a career in acting, a lifelong love of his. Prior to the attack on America, he had already been discouraged. Things just weren’t working out for him like he had hoped. He began to wonder what God was up to in his life.

Then came 9/11, which only added to the sense of discouragement that he was already feeling. Finally, came the grand finale of his hard times. He was walking down the street one day when a stranger, obviously strung out of drugs, shoved a gun in David’s face and robbed him.

He went outside the city and in a rural area, sat alone to pray. He prayed to his heavenly Father, “I sometimes don’t feel like you are anywhere around me anymore,” he said. “Show me that you are still with me.

No sooner had he prayed that than he heard an approaching sound and looked up to see what was interrupting his otherwise tranquil setting. It was a tractor-trailer truck, which rolled right past his line of sight. There, in huge letters, printed across the trailer were the letters – “GOD.”

Underneath, he noticed the smaller words which the initials represented – “Guaranteed On Delivery,” but that was irrelevant. He laughed at his own unbelief as he realized that at the very instant he had asked his heavenly Father to give evidence of His presence, GOD rolled right past him in letters too big to miss.

Do you see God in your daily life? Your heavenly Father is with you in the midst of your circumstances, whatever they may be. At times when it feels like He isn’t involved in your situation, look beyond the superficial evidences of this physical world and recognize that He is right in front of your face. He will never leave or forsake you.

Don’t allow the circumstances of your life to be what you use to determine how your Father feels about you. Circumstances can’t tell you that. If you want to know how He feels toward you, look beyond the temporal situations of life and see the cross.

At the cross, you will find an expression of His divine love for you. He loves you so much that He paid the highest price to ensure that you were His for all eternity. Sometimes He shouts His love in large letters. At others times, he gently whispers His love in the recesses of our hearts. In whatever ways He chooses to speak into your life, you can be assured that you are loved. He does care . . . and nothing is ever going to change that. Listen for Him to speak to you this week and you will hear the words, “I love you.”

-- For a free audio copy of David's own story, click here:


  1. Yes God can speak thru a truck or bird or sunset. Isn't it wonderful to hear the simplicity of His voice.

  2. James says, "Elijah was a man of like passions as we are, and he prayed the effectual fervent prayer that stopped the rain on the earth for three and a half years" Then he prayed and the heavens and earth gave their rain.
    At other times Elijah waited in a cave fearful and of what Jezebel would do! He even prayed to die. God fed him and ravens did the work. But in strength from Him he ran and remember the Lord was not in the wind, the thunder, etc. but in the still small voice at the cave. He went up in a whirlwind in chariots.
    We can run the gamut of events and emotions but God speaks...Are we attentive when He rolls by as Steve puts it? God' answers can appear in a moment. Depression dissapears even if it's temporary. Self-pity has to leave though. Salvation be to our God forever and ever. Let's be people that don't seek nor need a sign, just guidance and insightful reason we request as healing deliverance "As God rolls by."

  3. God seems to put up a gauntlet and challenge to us to be in victory through it all. I don't like seeing movies just for the popcorn and glitz but I like seeing movies as parables from God and sometimes the surreal and super-real of the theatre or theater makes one ponder the facts to see a higher or different reality God tells us exists. Remember 'Dragnet'; Gannon or Friday would say, "just the facts, please...," and with excitement, or 'Columbo?' how great TV was! Great blog Steve.
