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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Moving From Mercy To Grace

An article in Progress magazine reported that Billy Graham received a speeding ticket driving through a small town many years ago. He readily admitted his guilt, but was told by the police officer that he would have to appear in court.

Mr. Graham was asked by the judge, “Do you plead guilty or not guilty?” When Graham pleaded guilty, the judge replied that will be ten dollars – a dollar for every mile you went over the limit.

Suddenly the judge recognized the famous evangelist. “You have violated the law,” he said. The fine must be paid, but I’m going to pay it for you.” Then he took a ten dollar bill from his own wallet, attached it to the ticket, and settled the case. After court, the judge took Mr. Graham out and bought him a steak dinner. “That,” said Billy Graham, “is how God treats repentant sinners.”

God’s mercy has been extended to us because He didn’t give us what we deserve for our sins. He paid the penalty at the cross. But He didn’t stop there. He extended His grace by giving us what we don’t deserve – Divine life.

Many times the focus of evangelistic efforts is on sharing the news that salvation means having our sins forgiven. But the complete gospel is even better than that! In His grace, God forgives us, then gives us an abundant life in Jesus Christ. Salvation isn’t only getting a man into heaven, but getting heaven into him!

Jesus Christ wants you to enjoy the fullness of being a Christian. Don’t settle for simply receiving forgiveness and anticipating your arrival in heaven one day. Your heavenly Father is rich in mercy and has forgiven your sins. Then He took a quantum leap forward even beyond that. He has given you the life of Jesus Christ and has seated you at His right hand. (See Ephesians 2:4-6). You have received every blessing in Christ (see Ephesians 1:3) and have the capability of living a lifestyle that is flooded by His goodness every day. Rest in His mercy. Know, without a doubt, that your sins are forgiven. Then revel in His grace by enjoying the Spirit-led party that the we know as “the Christian life.”


  1. Man, I loved that one Pastor.

  2. Mercy is like our knowing our position in Christ... as the Word of God... lays out... Who we are. We go on into receiving God's grace in its many forms and sweet fragrance. Early Christians described a charis or grace as opposed to vices as sweetly fragrant, or that smells nice. We have no word for it. This leaves grace somewhat incomprehensible. Heaven will be all unmerited favor and benefits we don't deserve and can't really take in right now. But they will be directly related to how we lived Zoe (the God kind of life) in servanthood towards somebody else not fleshly wisdom. We're sheep not goats (not goats that would butt heads Mt. 25:32; John 10: 14-16) But walking in grace here we're going into every man's world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Spirit warning and admonishing everyone in all wisdom. It's God's operating through us, in us, and flowing through us with God our Source. If we can glorify God in every way we live, and worship and praise in servanthood we will enjoy heaven's grace in multitudinous proportion; That's both in life and death. Moving from mercy to grace in a walk, Divine life mixes in our mud pie existence (Adam was made from dust of the ground) and we move in the ebb and flow of greatness in God's sight. It all about Him not us. Everyone wants to be great in heaven just no one likes how Mk. 10:42,43; John 13:3-5.

  3. Mercy is not getting what you deserve, a starting point. Grace is getting what you don't deserve, a post in the road walk in relationship with God, our Dad!
