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Thursday, December 04, 2008

What I'm Reading Right Now

Seldom do I read books twice, but this is one of those times. I read it a few years ago and picked it back up recently and found myself pulled back into it. Adrift is the true story of Steven Callahan's amazing experience of being lost at sea in a life raft for 76 days. It is a compelling account of his determination to survive and how he managed to fight off sharks, starvation and thirst. You might think that the story of being adrift alone in a raft for that long would become repetitive and boring, but this story is far from that.

I just picked this one up in the airport in Pittsburgh yesterday and am already consumed with it. If you wonder what the next 20 years are going to look like, this book will stimulate your imagination about what likely is to come. I read the book Megatrends in the early 1980's and much of what that book predicted has come true. I'm amazed by these people who can look at trends in culture and technology and predict where we are headed in the days ahead. The Extreme Future talks about globalization of the world economy, advances in medicine, the workforce, the rising influence of China and even "weird science" like TVs that will cause you to taste and smell what they advertise, vacations in space, and other things like that.

No profound theological truths in these books . . . then again, maybe there is for those who "have eyes to see." I'm reading them as mind candy after having spent several months in intensive writing and teaching.

1 comment:

  1. How coincidental!! I was talking about "Adrift" yesterday with some employees here at the farm. I read it back in the 80's, I think, and still have it on my bookshelf. I noticed awhile back you had read "Leaving Microsoft..."; that is a fabulous book!

    "When I get a little money, I buy books. And if there is any left over, I buy food." Actually, I enjoy both too much! :)
