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Monday, July 14, 2008

Update on the Radical Freedom Conference

We finished teaching the Radical Freedom Conference yesterday here in London. We had a good attendance and the crowd was very receptive to our message. We had six countries represented in the meetings.

It was a joy for me to teach again with my friend, Paul Walsh and to have Dave Bilbrough lead us in worship. Dave is, without a doubt, the most grace oriented worship leader I know. I hope to serve together with him in many more meetings in the days ahead.You'll certainly be hearing more about him from me. In fact, I intend to use a song he wrote as our theme song for "the grace revolution." I'll share more with you on that later.

This will be my last blog for a few days. It has been impossible for me to access the Internet on my own computer since I've been here. I had hoped to post some video footage, but haven't been able to do it. Tomorrow we will go five hours to the north and will be there until the weekend. I won't have access to the Internet at all while there.

I'll get back online with my blog as soon as possible. It could be early next week before that happens.

Thanks to those who have prayed for these meetings.

To those of you who are Grace Walk Group leaders, I appreciate what you're doing. I've received email from several of you and am encouraged to hear how your group meetings are going. I'll be back online with you on our private leader's blog next week.

Blessings to each of you. Cheers, mates from jolly old England!

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