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Friday, December 14, 2007

Mr Shi Is Still Being Held In Terrible Conditions

A USAToday article about Shi Weihan can be viewed online at the following link:

We have learned that Mr. Shi continues to be held without charges. Chinese law requires that he be charged or released within 7 days of his arrrest. The 7-day period prescribed in Chinese law has now been exceeded by 9 nine days.

News articles have appeared in several places on the web. Other articles from major news media are apparently in the works.

The U.S. and other Embassies in Beijing have expressed concern about the case. We hope they will advocate with the Chinese government for the case to be handled in accordance with relevant laws and international conventions to which China is a signatory. We hope that this case will be an opportunity to turn world attention on China's need to bring an end to religious persecution, especially as we approach the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.

Shi Weihan is being held at:

Beijing City Haidian District Qinghe Detention Center
Qinghe Detention Center of the Haidian Sub-Bureau
Address: 北京市海淀区清河龙岗路25号
85, Longgang Road, Qinghe Town, Haidian District.

After his family employed a lawyer to assist them in defending Mr Shi, the family was finally informed of his detention although there is no still indication of what the charges against him will be. The notice, which is legally required within 24 hours of a detention was not provided until the 12th day of his detention.

The reason for the delay was apparently to hide harsh conditions to which he has been subjected during interrogation.

The family learned that Shi was being kept in a cell with no heat. He was not issued any clothing by the prison. When the family went to inquire about this, they were told that they were the ones neglecting his need for clothing since they hadn't delivered any for him. In fact, the police hadn't revealed his whereabouts, nor given any idea that the family would be allowed to provide clothing for him.

Shi is also being subjected to sleep deprivation, a common means used by the PSB to break people down and get them to reveal information about others or to extract confessions from prisoners under duress.

The police are apparently still refusing to provide the family any assurance that Shi is being given the diabetic and blood pressure medicine he requires. Requests that he be allowed house arrest with the posting of bail, a request that can be honored for those with medical conditions, have so far been refused. The family has been told that his case is too serious to allow this.

The official who has authority to grant house arrest conditions to Mr. Shi Weihan is:

Captain Li Xueming
Branch Bureau Chief
Beijing Public Security Bureau
Haidian District Substation

The family continues to be denied requests to see Shi, although Chinese law requires that family members be given access to see those being held in detention, except in cases where an investigation is ongoing. Even then the maximum period during which access to prisoners can be denied is 7 days.

Now entering the 16th day of his detention, Shi has not been allowed to see his family or a lawyer. The family's lawyer will make another attempt to see him and ascertain his condition on Monday (Sunday evening US time).

Letters that Shi's family wrote to him and delivered to the police have not been answered nor returned, including letters from his small daughters.

The two girls (Lily, 11 and Grace, 7) are reportedly inconsolable over their worry about their father's well being. Shi's wife, Zhang Jing asks Christians all over the world to pray especially for them. The girls are both frightened for their safety and ashamed that their father is in prison. Grace is said to cringe and hide whenever she sees any police. Lily, normally extremely outgoing, will not look anyone in the eye.

The family asks that cards, letters and small gifts be sent to the girls to console them and remind them that their father is very well respected by friends from many nations who have met him through his travel agency.

Mrs Zhang keeps reminding the daughters that their father is in prison for having done good things that the Chinese governement continues to label as illegal. She worries over the long term affects this ordeal will have on the young girls' emotional and psychological health.

Any small gifts or cards you would like to have carried to them should be forwarded by December 29th to:

Ray Sharpe
1757 Fairmont Dr.
Corona, CA 92882

Arrangements will be made to have them delivered to the family in China.

USAToday article about Shi:

Story of the arrest of Bei Ling a Chinese Poet and Editor.
He spent two weeks in the same prison where Shi Weihan is currently being held.
He reports conditions to which, we now have confirmed, Shi is also being subjected.

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