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Thursday, August 02, 2007

What Do You See When You Look In The Mirror?

Mickey sees his creator. Is that what you see? We have been created in our Father's image, but many don't see their true identity. Instead, they see somebody else, who has been defined by the opinion of others, by their present circumstances, past experiences, etc. You are who God says you are. We can see ourselves as He sees us, because that's who we are!


  1. Hello Steve,

    What a powerful statement that is. I recently spent time with some christian friends and that was our topic of conversation, their Identity in Christ. So often we forget who we are as circumstances show it's ugly face in our lives and it's really encouraging for all of us to be reminded of who we are and who is our creator! Love to you and Melanie.

    Pamela Alphonso

  2. Here's another angle:

    When I look at the cross, I see Jesus.....but spiritually it is me.

    When I look in the mirror, I see me.....but spiritually it is Jesus
