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Monday, January 24, 2011

Living As Yourself

“I’ve never known what I want to do with my own life,” a young mother said to me at a after I had spoken about living our God-given dreams. “I want to fulfill God’s plan for my life, but I can’t figure out what it is. I don’t even know what I want to do,” she continued.

After asking her a few questions, I said to her, “We’ve just met, so I obviously don’t know you. But I’d like to offer one common reason that often applies when people can’t seem to identify the unique plan that God has for them. Is that okay?”

“Sure,” she answered.

I continued: “A very common cause for people not being able to figure out what they want to do with their life is that they’ve never given themselves the freedom to think about what they want because they’ve spent their whole life trying to please other people.”

I paused. The lady starred at me for a moment, then looked at her friend beside her with an expression of disbelief. “He hit that one on the head, didn’t he?” her friend laughed.

It didn’t take a counseling genius to figure out her problem, just forty years of talking with thousands of people like this young woman. A great number of people have never realized God’s wonderful plan for their lives because they’ve never allowed themselves to consider their own desires. Without doing that, they can seldom discern God’s will for themselves.

God gives you the desires of your heart. He places them there, but if you don’t know who you are you may spend your whole life trying to fulfill other people’s plan for your life. Many a frustrated person has struggled with finding fulfillment in life because they’re trying to be something and do something they’ve never been directed by God to do.

The meaning of grace, in part, is “divine enablement.” By His grace, God enables you to be all that He has called you to be and do all that He has created you to do. But remember this: His grace doesn’t empower you to be and do what somebody else has indicated for you to do. You live in union with the Triune God of heaven. His Life dwells in you and sees to flow through you in powerful expressions of creativity expressed through love in this world.

Who He has made you to be is wonderful, so you must resolve to be that person. Any effort to be somebody else is an affront to Him because it suggests that you (or others) better know who you’re supposed to be and what you’re supposed to be doing. Don’t live for other people. It will wear you out.

Instead, live from the union you share with your Father through Christ. Know that you are empowered by His Spirit. Then you will be free to be and do all that you were designed for. The Apostle Paul once said, “I’m not trying to be a people-pleaser! No, I’m trying to please God. If I were still trying to please people, I would not be Christ’s servant” (Galatians 1:10 New Living Translation).

If you want to find fulfillment – if you want to be and do all that you were created to be and do – stop living your life trying to run the course other people set for you. Your desires count because God has placed them there.

Allow Jesus to express boldness through you. Rise up and seize the day, filled with optimistic faith in the Creator who designed your blueprint for living. Let Him live through you and watch your life be transformed!


  1. Great post Thanks Brother.

  2. One of the main reason why i was confused about not trusting God is since i couldn't hear from God i became co-dependant on people. People became gods doing whatever they wanted so i could receive love, approval and acceptance from them and they would tell me what to do. But, because i have let God to love me and Him showing me His Grace through the reading of GraceWalk and doing the workbook,(and even just in the past few months i'm understanding the Bible for my own benefit and not for the benefit of others), the co-dependancy just seemed to disappear and then i experienced sincere and genuine motives for loving others. Just think, God loves me!!!!. First i surrendered to God and He able to love on me and then because of His love for me i'm finding out my true identity in Christ and i don't need to do for others for acceptance any more. Praise God, He is growing me up!

  3. I'm following you via feedly and I find your articles very inspiring!
    I've also heard preaching of to improve the things we are good at. Look at the things we have a talent for and that we would really like to do. Stop trying to turn your 3's or 4's into a 5 or 6. The world has enough of those. Focus at your 8's and 9's: the things you are already good at. These are the talents God gave for you to use.
    Steve, do you think sports can be part of Gods plan for my life? I mean, I like it and have talent for it :D

  4. Great advice Steve!
    There is such freedom in realizing that God seeks authentic and unique expression in each one of us in our ordinary day to day affairs! We are his idea! We are not Christ-cloned,but Christ indwelt and Christ inspired; the love of Christ constrains us...

  5. WOW!!! I absolutely love this! I'm going to share it on facebook because I think everyone needs to read this. Thank you for telling the truth of God's love!

  6. Thanks, Anna - in case you don't know, you can find me on FB too. Just search my name...

  7. Anonymous8:59 AM

    such a freeing word Steve..... thanks for the permission to be who God designed me to be. We should verbalize it for others more often. Amazing the subtle trap we find ourselves in.....

  8. For a long time I tried to figure out what I could do for God. I wanted to do something big for God. But I realized, he isn't asking me to do something for him, but inviting me in on what he's doing. I'm learning to just love who he places before me everyday... That may be all he's asking of me that day. One day while grocery shopping, I got the opportunity to love the woman with the migraine behind the meat counter. I could see she was short and rude to everyone and instead of being rude back to her, I saw her through Jesus' eyes and suddenly had compassion. I said, "Do you have to stand on your feet all day back there? You must be exhausted!" She looked at me like she was about to cry. She said, "I have a terrible migraine." I said, "I'm so sorry." God was asking me to acknowledge his daughter and care about her. To let Him love her through me. It may be simple tasks like that that he calls us to every day. He may whisper something to my heart like, you have enough food on your table and room in your home, and love in your heart to share with another child. So many of my children out there have no families of their own. That's what he whispered to my heart several years ago. It led us to fostering several children over the years and eventually adopting 2. If we just start by loving people and listening to His voice, we will find ourself in the middle of what God is doing that we could have never contrived on our own effort.

  9. Thanks, Steve, for a terrific and brief story of discernment and hope for living as God intended. You are a great friend in God's grace movement.
    I hope to see you in Atlanta soon (April 1-3). Am looking into Gene Edwards' book "The Divine Romance" as well as his Lithia Springs' home-church group.
    Trust you and your family are well.
