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Saturday, June 17, 2006

Audio Files From Preaching In Mexico

It is such an encouragement to me to work together with others who share the same passion for the grace walk message. This is Gerardo and Gloria Vazquez. Gerardo is the Executive Director for Grace Walk Latin America. He is not only a partner in ministry, but a dear friend.

In 2000, I was preaching in the Mexican state of Chiapas. The crusade was being held in a bull fighting ring and there were thousands of people there. My translator was a 14 year old girl who could hardly understand what I was saying. God blessed despite the language struggles.

On the last night after the service ended, I was lying in the bed in my hotel. I prayed, "Father, you know I'm in Mexico because you led me to establish the ministry here. I printed Grace Walk in Spanish before I even knew anybody here. You have led me here, but Father, I need somebody to work with in Mexico -- a man who is perfectly fluent in Spanish and English. And Lord, if you'll make him be, not just a translator, but a preacher -- that would be great."

The next day I went to Guadalajara, where I was to preach for the week. That day I met Gerardo Vazquez. He is a Mexican who lived many years in California. He tells how that the first night he translated, he thought I was preaching heresy. By the second night, the Holy Spirit was speaking to Him and by the next night, he had seen and understood the grace walk message. On that night, he literally wept with joy as he translated. Before I left Mexico that week, I knew beyond any doubt that he was the man God had sent.

We have traveled to many places preaching together. You can click this link and hear us preaching in a big crusade in Mexico. Steve & Gerardo Preaching This is a page on our Spanish web site. Scroll down the left side of the page until you see "Steve McVey y Gerardo Vazquez." Click on any of the topics under that and you can hear us preaching together.

If you are curious about our Spanish site, you can check it out at

This is Craig Snyder, the Director of Missions for Grace Walk Ministries. Craig and I have shared our lives and hearts together for many years. God is using him in a tremendous way to reach out in missions through Grace Walk Ministries. He is preaching today in Mexico with Gerardo. They were in Chetumal training pastors for several days, then went to Cancun yesterday where they will speak today and tomorrow.

I am so thankful to be able to work together with such good friends. But right now I'm jealous that they are preaching together in Mexico while I'm here! :)

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