Sunday, November 26, 2006

March of the Penguins

I watched this movie on the Hallmark channel a few nights ago and loved it. The film is a documentary which follows a flock of emperor penguins in the Antarctic for a year as they journey 70 miles in harsh winds and freezing cold temperatures by foot, going through the harshest conditions in the struggle to survive - all to find true "love" and to find a mate and reproduce.

There is a particularly poignant scene at the very end of the movie where, after a brutally hard winter, the baby penguins come to the ocean for the first time. Narrator, Morgan Freeman described it, saying:

It is now December and they are ready to leave the place where they were born. And although they have never known the ocean, nor touched it -- they, like their parents, are of the sea . . . and so . . . one day . . . they'll take the plunge . . . and go home for the first time.

When I heard those words, I backed up the Tivo and listened to that part three more times. I found my heart being stirred as I recognized my Father's voice in the experience of these penguins.

You and I come into a world where we often encounter harsh storms with cold winds. Like the emporor penguins, we seek out our mates, bear our children, and brave the storms of life for the sake of those we love.

Then December comes ...

One day we all will leave the place we were born. Though we have never known heaven, nor touched it, we, like our Father, are of heaven. We're all on a march through time. Along the way, there will be occasions of loss and grief, but we march onward, knowing at a level deeper than our human consciousness that one day we will take the plunge, reach our final destination . . . and for the first time . . . find ourselves at home.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Grace Walk International Leaders Training

I have just returned from Guadalajara, Mexico where 14 of us representing 6 countries met together to discuss strategy for reaching the world with the message of the grace walk. It was an exciting time together.

During our time together, we discussed the message, methodology and mission of Grace Walk Ministries around the world. The following videos are short testimonies of our team in Latin America. We have a great group of guys there working to spread the message of God's endless grace and unconditional love.

Grace Walk Mexico

Grace Walk Argentina

Grace Walk El Salvador

Pray for our Grace Walk team in Latin America as they spread the message of the grace walk.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Grace Walk Canada Launches

It was exciting to be in Canada on November 5 for the official launch of Grace Walk Canada. The photos here are of Mike Zenker as I prayed for him and presented him as our new National Director for Grace Walk Canada.

Five years ago Mike called me after reading Grace Walk. He shared with me how his life had been impacted and expressed a desire to meet in person. He traveled to the U.S. when I was speaking up north one weekend and it was there that our relationship began. In the years that followed, we have spent many hours discussing the message and ministry of Grace Walk. As I grew to know Mike better and better, it became clear that God was raising him up to lead our ministry in Canada.

Mike, Lori and their children live in Elmira, Onatario. You can find out more about them and our ministry there at I am convinced that our Father is going to use Mike mightily to further the message of the grace walk across Canada. He has all of my materials available so that our friends in Canada can avoid the costs associated with ordering from the states. Mike is available to speak in your church as our Grace Walk Director for Canada. I encourage all Canadian Grace Walkers to get to know Mike!